7:30 on a Saturday Morning

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   Hikaru's phone ringing woke me from a deep sleep. Groaning, I rolled over and put my hand on his face, hoping it would wake him.
   "Hmmm," he mumbled. "What is it?"
   "Do you not hear your phone?" Annoyance was dripping from my voice.
   "Answer it for me."
   "No way, do you not realize what ringtone that is? It's Tamaki. It's too early to be listening to his shit this morning."
   He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. "Fine," he grumbled quietly, reaching across me and grabbing his phone off the dresser. "Hello?" He sounded tired and just as annoyed as I was.
   I heard Tamaki's voice, loudly. How does he have so much energy every morning, and why can't he just let us sleep in? It's Saturday.
   "Mhm. Yeah....I guess." A pause. "Yeah, not a problem, boss. We'll be over in about an hour."
   "No need," I heard Tamaki say from the other end.
   "You're sending a car over?" Hikaru rolled his eyes. "You realize we have people that can bring us over, right? ...30 minutes?! Boss, it's 7:30 in the morning." Another eye roll. "Fine whatever, we're getting dressed now.
   I slung my arm over his shoulder and leaned against his back. "What is it?"
   "We're going to the beach. We have to be ready in 30 minutes. He's sending a car over." Sighing, he stood from the bed and slipped a shirt over his bare torso.
   We had always slept together. Truthfully, we never had anyone but each other. We were always so alone.
   We had always thought the world was composed of two groups of people. Us, and everyone else. Up until the Host Club, at least. Maybe that's why we were so conceited.

   "Better get dressed, Kaoru. Today is gonna be a long day." His words shook my from my thoughts.
   Standing up, I shook my head in disbelief. Why are we going to the beach at 8:00 on a Saturday morning? I should still be asleep.
   "Here," he huffed, holding a shirt out towards me. I took it and slipped it over my head slowly.
   Hikaru rummaged through the dresser to find our swimming trunks and I sat back down. He was too in my way for me to get to anything anyway.
   Huffing, I laid back with my arms stretched above my head and hanging off of the other side of the bed. "I don't want to be awake."
   "Me either, but you know how senpai is. He'd pitch a fit if we opted out of going and go on and on about how we're a family and we need to be together."
   "It's just..." I paused and took a long breath. "It's just too much sometimes. We're all always together."
   "Well we're always together." Hikaru looked over his shoulder at me, awaiting my reply.
   "Yeah, but it's different. It's always been you and I. It's still kind of new to..well to have new people we can depend on, I guess?" I tilted my head, debating whether or not that was the correct way to word it. "Not to mention, most of them are idiots."
   "We aren't. And Haruhi an Kyoya aren't either. So it's not all bad. The only one that's really an idiot is Tamaki."
   "You have to say Haruhi isn't. She's your giiirrrllllfriend," I sighed, teasing him. He chuckled.
   "Yeah, I guess you're right. But she is pretty smart. She's been able to tell us apart since we met her."
   I regained seriousness. "Yeah, she has. I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful for all of them, it's just still taking some getting used to. Yknow, being around them basically 24/7."
   "I don't see you complaining about being around Kyoya today." He winked.
   I shook my head. "I could care less. I barely want anything to do with the guy."
   "Kaoru, you and I both know you're lying. You've had this faraway look in your eyes every time he's spoken for the past few years. Not to mention your face is as pink as a cherry blossom any time he's brought up in conversation."
   I shrugged. "So what? It doesn't mean he'd be good for me. He's the biggest narcissist I've ever met and I can barely stand to be around him unless he's putting up an act for the sake of the ladies in the club. But that's only when he benefits from it."
   Hikaru rolled his eyes yet again. "Yeah, Kyoya may be a total jerk, but who knows? Maybe he does actually care about you. I catch him looking at you a lot when we're entertaining during Club."
   I felt my face grow hot.
   Today was going to be a long day.

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