We Deserve To Survive

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Notes from author:
Thank you for reading my story. This is my first attempt at writing in such manner so please be kind to me with your comments but I would love to know if you like the story? What do you think should be changes? What added? Or what should be taken away??? So help me grow as a writer please and thank you 👍😀💗

Chapter 1

Darkness, nothingness ,black void this was the sensation that she was experiencing right now, but it didn't frightened her, it was a comforting feeling like  someone just turned the whole world off. She tried to think back what has happened and slowly fractured memories started to form a wave of  picture, her whole life flashed, as if someone made a video from her life,

 than she remembered the end of that video: I am dead,

I'm  dead, but I'm not scared and there is something else here with me. The sensation is like nothing that she has ever experienced when she was in her human body, the feeling of other bliss and joy.

Than she understood IT WAS HER SOUL and now she was consciously connected to that divine spirit,

 there were whispers coming from all around her, but they were asked to leave.

Then she heard a sweet beautiful voice that whispered: "hello Isia, I am Phynix, I am the first  soul created before there was anything else. Heavenly Father was so lonely so he created me, there was just the two of us for billions of years, than he stare created the universe and heaven, angels, Eden, humans, other species and it was my job to place different species at different planets. It took long time but I did my job diligently and Father rewarded me for job well done by asking me where would I like to live and my choice was humanity, Earth and of course my sister spirit Gaia, that is a living soul inside the planet.  I love humanity even with all their faults, they are the only species in the universe that have strong emotions but the biggest attribute is the capacity for love. No other species has ever reach the level of love that humanity has achieved . Don't get me wrong other species in the universe know love but not to the degree that humanity is capable of. Logic and ascension to spirit world overrides the love for those left behind, but not for humans.  Humans love even more in the spirit dimension, if it wasn't for the rule that they cannot interfere, although many do try to help their loved ones on Earth, I am sure that they would be living right beside you all and show themselves to all of humanity.

" But with love of course there is the ability to hate too, cannot have one without the other ,however on a whole love always wins. You have no idea how many species perishes because of hate and because their love coud not win, hate overtook them and they destroyed themselves. Every species has 33 chances to get it right, 33 civilizations to reach the equilibrium between love and hate, I guess on Earth they would call it yin and yang.

Oh my.....,  I am overwhelming you with all this new information, sorry, we will take a little break, ok??"

I felt my soul it was a feeling that cannot be described in words, but the most wonderful feeling in the world, so euphoric and I felt safe so I asked quietly:" Am I dead?"

She answered" in a way you are, to humans on earth you have been dead for half an hour, they will take you off of life support machine and pronounce you dead"

I felt my soul suddenly very sad, I couldn't hold my tears anymore and started to cry"

Than again I felt as someone wrapped me in a warm blanket and was stroking my hair while telling me that everything will be ok, don't worry. 

So I calm down and asked:" so now what will happen to me???"

Phoenix whispered" the most marvelous thing will happen, Father is waiting for you"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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