Shot 2 Billa - Maya

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Sitting under the blazing sun in blue water he enjoyed.His favorite drink.His eyes were covered with black shades.Dead silence on face.

R-"Billa.Evidences show what you had doubts on.

What shall be our next step."

Raju came to him.Liza saw from a distance in the pool.The evil smirk escaped from his lips.As Raju went away.Getting an order from the man himself.

Liza reached to him swimming her way.Trying to touch him.He frowned at her.Ready to go out of the pool.

L-"Billa wait.

May I know what has been going around.From few days."

He was out of the pool.Tying the robe covering his body.Running his long fingers in wet hair.He didn't glance at her and left.Making way inside.Liza stood swallowing the hard pill of rejection.Raju witnessed it.

The evening round was covered in layers of betrayal.Jealousy and insecurity that raged inside Liza.She was drinking in the open terrace.Fuming from inside.

R-"Liza you shouldn't punish yourself.This much.

Whats the matter."

Raju walked to her.Leaving the smoke in air.She was drunk.Her emotions came on face.She smiled rather smirked.At him.

L-"You are asking that.Don't you know.

Tell me.What did I not do for him.Left everything.Became part of this world.Knowing how he is.I gave myself to him.In every way."

Raju knew where it was heading to.He looked in other direction.Smoking.

L-"In return what I get.Rejection and pain.Because of that bitch who.

Entered his life few days ago.Why so.What she has.That I dont have.Tell me.raju speak."

R-"Go easy Liza.

This is not first time.He is doing all this.Don't you know."

L-"I know that.

It burns me from inside.That Maya.Every time she crosses his path.I can see something in his eyes.He should be hating on her.Why cant he get rid of her.Kill her."

She threw the glass breaking it down into pieces.Raju smirked.He felt bad for her.There was nothing much he could do.The man had no mercy to show.No love to give and accept.He only believed in.Doing what he wanted.He was Billa.

He could hear the chaos that reached his room.Deeply closing his eyes he was in water.Relaxing his whole body.In the white lavish bathroom of his.Till he heard the door.Of the woman making her way inside on top of her lungs.

He remained silent with closed eyes.Raju came after her with deliberate attempts to stop her.Billa showed a hand.Raju gave a nod getting the signal.

Liza smirked and went to him.She was near the bath tub.tried to touch his body.He stopped her by his hand.Opening his eyes.

L-"Why Billa.

You dont like my touch now?"

He got up frowning his brows.Casually if nothing happened.Wore his robe.Picking the gun that was kept beside him.

L-"You cant leave like this.Answer me."

He stopped and turned back to her.Answering her with cold eyes.

B-"Behave yourself Liza.You know I hate drama.Go and take rest."

Liza was not patient.She caught him forcefully.Dragging his arm.

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