Chapter 2| Noah

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 I know I said I would be posting on Mondays but to be honest I'm sick right now so. Really I just had an idea to write my 2nd chapter while I have free time. And don't worry I will still post whenever I have time but most likely on Mondays!


    In the same history class with Charlet and Lauren, this boy named Noah was sitting in front of me. He may have been a little handsome, but I wasn't going to let him get in my way of education!

    But his friend that was sitting next to him; ugh may I please get rid of him?!? He really was a bad influence on Noah... but during the whole class, I was sitting there making a very annoyed face at Noah's friend.

    After the bell rang, I got up and was about to leave for lunch until my teacher asked to see me.

    I was about to go and eat lunch with my friends but I guess those plans are ruined. When I looked to the door, I saw my friends waiting outside the door at the lockers. I gestured for them to go first. So they left.

    But as soon and they left, realization hit me and I worried that she was going to yell at me... So I trembled in fear as I asked the teacher why she wanted to see me.
"Yes? Y-you wanted to see me?" I asked. "Ah, Alice, I noticed you seemed.. distracted during my lesson today?" she asked in a concerned and confident voice. "Oh, right. Well I can explain.." I said trying to stall for a couple more seconds to find an excuse. "I have all the time in the world, dear.." she said in an impatient voice. I could tell she was going to punish me for lying when she finds out the truth. So I just went ahead and told her what happened, except I might have bent it and twisted it a little... " Well, I-- didn't like the way he was writing down the notes. Haha. Yeah, his note-taking skills are the absolute worst!" I said as I awkwardly chuckled. She obviously didn't buy it because she handed me a slip to lunch detention for tomorrow.

    It was 5 minutes until the bell rang for 4th period, so I just walked to science hoping I wasn't going to fall for anyone else.

    The bell had rung and science was over; so, I walked downstairs to the band hall. As I walked into the orchestra room, I saw a familiar face.

Well sorry guys that's it for today, I hope you guys enjoyed the 2nd chapter! And I'm sorry its short again, my chapters will probably be short until I get the hang of it. Well I will definitely be improving along the way! Feel free to comment and tell me how you like the story so far and what kind of details you recommend to add. Bye have a nice day!!!

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