Chapter 3| Marco

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    When I walked into the orchestra room, I saw a familiar face. That familiar face was Sam Evans!

    Anyway, when I walked into the room, Sam looked over to the door to see who was coming in. As she saw me walk in, she jumped of joy and ran to hug me. As she hugged me, her grasp kept getting tighter and tighter every second. "S-stop, I can't breath!!!" I shreeked as I gasped for air.

    She then let me go and apologized. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry Alice! I didn't mean t-" as she was apologizing the teacher cut her off and said "Ahem, why don't you ladies go take a seat in the front of the class since class is starting now." She said in a very loud and impatient voice.

    Um rude much? She completely cut our conversation off! I wanted to give her a piece of my mind but the goody-two-shoes side if me convinced me to give a sweet smile and go to a seat. I just met her and I already hate her, wow way to go for a first impression, geez.

    When I got to my seat, Sam followed behind me with her head down feeling guilty. "You don't have to follow me around and put your head down like that you know. I'm your friend, remember?" I said trying to comfort her. She looked up at me with puppy eyes, saying "Really? So you forgive me off the bat?" What? You expect me to say no to that face? I literally couldn't. say. no.

    When the bell rang, the teacher comes in and says "Hello students, I am Ms. Morre. So sorry that I wasn't here on your first day of school, I was sick." Then she walks over to her desk and says, "Alright we will start class by-" then another kid comes in, interrupting her mid-sentence.

    "Sorry I'm late.." he says not meaning it.

    "Ahem, please take a seat, I am Ms. Morre and I am your orchestra teacher. Because this is only your second day, I will excuse you but you must start being punctual." she repeats trying to control her temper.

    "Well sorry, I am Marco and I will try to be punctual." he says as he walks to the seat next to another kid.

    "So as I was saying, let's start the class off by taking attendance. I will call your name and you will say 'here' and raise your hand. Alice Cooper?" she asks. "Here" I say while raising my index and middle finger up like a salute. "Sofia Deamor?" the teacher asks. "Here" she says. "Sam Evans?" the teacher says looking around. "Here!" Sam says raising her hand high. "And last, Marco and Joseph Mendoza?" the teacher looks expectantly at the pair of boys sitting next to each other. "Here" the both say raising their hands.

    The teacher then claps her hands together and says "Okay! Now time to put you in assigned seats." she says expecting it to be easy. As she says 'assigned seats' everybody groans in a 'I just met her and I'm already hating her' way.

    She then sits there for a minute putting us in spots on her seating chart. When she is done, she tells everyone to stand up and go to the side of the classroom. When everybody clears the way, she starts calling our names in the order we were supposed to sit in. The order was Sofia, me, Marco, Joseph, and Sam. The teacher said this was the order because she hadn't heard us play the instruments yet.

    The teacher then said "Alright, now that that's settled, let's assign some instruments shall we?" she stated with a forced smile.

    "Um, can't we do that tomorrow, we have like 15 minutes of class left." Sofia said not knowing it was a rhetorical question. "Um, Sofia, darling. That was a rhetorical question." "Oh... Sorry, heh, you can continue." she says trying to pretend nothing happened.

    While that happened, I heard Marco and Joseph laughing at her jokingly.

    The teacher then cleared her voice trying to ignore the boys saying "Okay class, what instrument would you like to play please answer one at a time, and raise your hands." So during that process the whole class picked violin.

    As the teacher went to grab the available violins, I walked up to her and said "Um, Ms. Morre, I already have a violin for myself." I say confidently. "Alright, just grab it and go to your seat." she says while quickly trying to grab the available violins.

    I grab my violin and sit down at my seat.

    Then the teacher walks up to her desk and asked who needed a violin. Everyone except me and Sofia were raising their hands. The teacher then let out a sigh of relief, and grabbed a paper with signatures on them. As she gave the students their violins, she made them sign a slot next to another blank slot where their parents are supposed to sign. I guess it was to make sure that if they damaged the school's property, they'd have to replace it.

    As soon as Marco received his violin, he opened the case and took the bow out. Playing with the bow, he accidentally poked my knee with it. I quickly whipped my head around to catch the culprit in action and he apologetically says sorry and minds his own business. I was going to hurt him but, since it was the first time, I let it off the hook and minded my own business. 5 minutes before the bell rang, he thought my reaction was funny so he decided to use his bow and poke me on the head. I whipped around angrily again only to hear him hold back his laugh and say sorry. I pierced my eyes through him and waited for him to burst out laughing. By then I will be slapping him to the ground.

    Then not a moment later, he bursts it. I then take my bow out and I angrily bang on his head with the bow and a string pops from my bow. I then laugh as I see his jaw-droping expression.

    Then I look at the clock after that laugh and put away quickly, not looking back at the boys or Sam, I take my exit as the bell rings.

Hey guys! I hope you liked today's chapter, I had fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did making it! I also tried to stretch it longer. Thank you for reading!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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