Chapter 1:Broken Mask

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================================NOBOYDS POV===============================

It was an peace full day and at the bridge was an team that was waiting for their sensei "OH MAN WHEN IS KAKASHI-SENSEI CONING'' shouted a blond headed boy said "Shut up Naruto-Baka'' Sakura said "Hn dobe''Sasuke smirked. And suddenly a *POOF*   was heard  "Yo" their sensei said "Well we don't have a mission so we are just doing  training''   

=============================AFTER TRAINING================================

''I WELL BEAT YOU NEXT TIME SASUKE-TEME'' Naruto said as he got off the ground  "Ok guys thats all we well do today and tomorrow we have a mission so gets some rest'' "Hn and dobe try not to fall behind'' Sasuke said "YEAH sasuke-kun's right you monster all you do is make sasuke-kun leave you are useless and worthless you are nothing but a nuisance to the team go DIE YOU MONSTER" and just like that sakura went home.

=============================NARUTOS HOUSE NAROTOS POV===============   

'KIT JUST SHOW YOUR TRUE SELF' Kyuubi said ' i might just show my real self thank you kyuu'


''HEY were is naruto at'' ''Mabe his is still sleeping let's go look''

=================================AT NARUTO HOUSE===========================

''He is not sleeping hey wait i hear music'' Kakashi said  Sasuke and Sakura followed him to a room in naruto's house and saw naruto singing.

===============================PLAY THE SONG NOW===========================

======================================AFTER THE SONG==================

"Oh what you guys doing here'' naruto said to them ''we just came to get you and we heard music'' ''And what's with the new outfit dobe'' ''Oh this outfit is part of the real me i been wearing a mask of an idiot all this time you never seem to notices and i even let my mask slip some times and still you never notices that really sad and you guys are supposed to be my friends'' Kakashi,Sasuke and Sakura look ashamed ''Kakashi you never trained me when i ask for you to do so you are to busy training sasuke to even care about me and Sasuke you are to up in revenge that you did not even care for me and Sakura you are to obsessed for sasuke that you called me a monster and worthless and useless and a nuisance for just making sasuke leave and now you are gonna have the real me to deal with.'' and with that naruto kicked them all out of his house.

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