The Song

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******************************************NOBODYS POV**********************

After that Kakashi,Sasuke,and Sakura just look at Naruto's door till' Kakashi said "Well we must get going" "b-But what about naruto what happened to him" Sakura said "He was just tired" Kakashi said but how wrong was he.The next day Naruto was dressed in orange and red suit with a blue tie and black pants and shoes and Kakashi,Sasuke,and Sakura their jaw drooped to the ground "N-Naruto what the fuck are you dressed in"Sakura said "This is the real me"Naruto replied and that was all you heard from him and they went to the hokage and sakrua said "I WANT A BETTER MISSION" "ok brag him in here" "im gonna be watched by brats"          


They took him home  and on the way naruto stared singing 


Tell me dose it take a war to start a revolution 

i see the look in your eye

Hope is a bloody battlefield of disillusion  

it's gonna take sacrifice

All the blood that we're bleeding 

could fill up a broken heart 

The secrets we're keeping can be used to light the dark

but we're anti-gravity 

Lock down humanity 

ligtnin' insanity strikin' inside of me  



It's the heartbeat of history 


Like lighnin' inside of me 

in the skeleton closet you'll never know it 

The secrets are prisoner inside 

kaleidoscope truth from the ones who hold it

Keeping the hostage alive

all the blood that we're bleeding   

Could fill up a broken heart

the secrets we're keeping could be used

To light the dark 

but we're anti-gravity 

Lock down humanity

lightnin' insanity strikin' inside of me 



  It's the heartbeat of history



like lightnin' inside of me

It's not over

it's not the end

It's not over 

it's not the end 

We broke out

now we're breakin' in 

It's not over 

it's not the end

It's not over 

it's not the end 

We broke out 

now we're breakin' in 

But we're anti-gravity 

lock down humanity

Lightnin' insanity strikin' inside of me 



it's the heartbeat of history 



Like lightnin' inside of me 


The Masks Is Broken And The Real Naruto Is OutUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum