Chapter 4

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I put my hands over my mouth and scream a little bit inside. "Sooo do ya want to go or not?" Brendon asked me as I turn to look at him. "Of course I want to go!" I run over and hug him super tight.

"All right. So Sarah's going to pick you up and then take you somewhere. I will pick you up when we are done with the meeting." Brendon says turning to face the other way. "Oh ok bye!" I say seeing that Sarah pulled up to the studio.

"Hey Sarah!" I say opening the passenger side door. "Hey Hann! what's up?" She said turning the key to turn on the car. "Nothing much. But guess what?!" I say turning to Sarah. "What!?" She said keeping her eyes on the road. "IM GOING ON TOUR!!" I yell. "REALLY?!" Sarah sounds surprised. "Yep!" I say.

         Time skipppppp

We pull up to me and Brendons house and exit the car. I open the door with my key to be greeted by to jumping puppies at my feet. "Hey Penny hey Bogart!" I coo. "What do ya wanna do?" Sarah asks me setting down her purse. "Ummmm. Oh let's play truth or dare!" I yell. "Ok truth or dare?" Sarah asked me. "Um dare!" I say. " I dare you to can Brendon and say we got into a car accident." Sarah says looking at me. "Easy!" I say. I pick up my phone and dial Brendons number. "Hello" he starts." B-brendon." I fake a sad voice. "Hannah what happened are you okay?!" He said worried. "W-we got i-into a car a-accident." I say trying my best not to laugh. "WHAT? ARE YOU OKAY!? WHERE ARE YOU!!??" he screams. "Ha ha got you!" I laugh. "Hannah Urie how could you?!" He says in a joking matter.

"Hey it was a dare. Not my fault. Anyway got to go Bren bye!" i hang up before he can answer. me and Sarah start laughing like crazy people. "his reaction was priceless!" Sarah yells after ending our laughing fit. "okay mabey we should not play truth or dare anymore." i say sitting down. "Agreed." Sarah laughs.

    "LADIES I'M HOME!!!" brendon yells as he walks through the door. "hey bren. well i have to go bye!" Sarah rushes out the door. brendon looks at me weird. "What's up with Sarah?" he asked me closing the door. "i don't know we were having a great time." i say. "well what did you guys do to today besides scare the living shit out of me?" he asks with a small giggle. "nothing really we just played with the dogs then scared you."i say laughing. "okay well did you eat because im hungry?" brendon asks. "nope we didn't and im hungry too." i say getting up. "alright but we need to get fixed up." he says. i run upstairs and grab a TOP sweatshirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. i mean what else would i wear? i put on white converse and ran downstairs to see brendon in black jeans and a white t-shrit.

      "alright lets go to dinner!" brendon yells. we get in the car and drive to some old diner called 'stardust diner' (i actually go there all the time irl). when we get there i look at the big metal looking building. me and brendon walk in and get seated the waitress knew who brendon was so she got a picture with him. after he sat down he started talking. "So i was thinking..." He starts. "Yes?" I say pulling out the 's'."When should  you stat school?" He said looking at me. "Um I don't know I've always been homeschooled?!" I say looking back. "What if tomorrow we go to the school and in roll you?" He said.

"Yeah sure" I say. When the waitress comes I order a hot chocolate and pancakes since I decided to have breakfast for dinner. Brendon ordered the same thing just instead of hot chocolate he got iced tea.

   Time skipppppp

When we get home I run upstairs and get my PJs on. I put my hair in a messy bun and wash off my makeup. I run back downstairs and see Sarah crying and hugging Brendon. "Oh my God Sarah what happened!?" I yell from the stairs. "Hann just go upstairs and I tell you about it later!" Brendon yells back. "O-okay." I say. I run back upstairs and jump into bed. I go on my phone and set an alarm for tomorrow for when Brendon told me to wake up to go to the school.

I hear a small knock on the door and a small," Hann can I come in?" And a sniffling. "Yeah!" I yell back. The door opens and Sarah comes in. "Oh my gosh Sarah are you okay!?" I say running up to hug her. "Not really." She said sniffling. "What happened?!"I say. "My mom's in the hospital. She had a heart attack." She said starting to cry. I hug her tighter than before and she giggles a little. "Are you staying with us?" I ask. "No I have to go to the hospital but mabey tomorrow." She said looking at me. "Okay well bye Sarah." I say. "Bye Hann!" She says. I close my door and turn off my light. Instead of going downstairs I text Brendon telling him I'm going to bed.

Hannah🎧: night Bren I'm going to sleep

Beebo: night Hann sleep well

Time skip

When I wake up to my alarm I go to well more like drag myself to the closet to get my clothes on. I pick out a black Panic! Shirt and black skinny jeans. I run downstairs and hear Brendon talking to his phone. "How am I? I'm really good. Oh hey Hann!" He say looking at me. "Hey guys how are you?" I say into the camera. The fans say that they are doing really good and that makes me happy. "Okay guys we have to go in roll this one in school." He says pointing at me.

Hey guys I know I haven't posted in like 4 days but I'm back and next chapter she gets in rolled in school so yeah follow me on Snapchat at: addyturner4 but tell me that your from Wattpad so I know your not a creep byeeee

- Addy

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