Chapter 16

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"Hey Hann. Ya gotta wake up, its tour day." I hear someone whisper in my ear. I groan and move my arm trying to hit whoever is trying to wake me up from my very very nice sleep. "Hey why'd ya hit me." Wait.... I could memorize that voice anywhere. I jump up and open my eyes. "KENNY!" I yell and jump up to hug him. "How's it goin Banana?" Banana was a name he gave me when he came over for dinner one time with his son Dean. "its goin good." I laugh. He nods. "Alright but you little missy have to get dressed and shit, so we can go on tour." I smile and nod. He walks out and close the door behind him. I go to my closet and pick out some black skinny jeans, a white flowy top and a grey cardigan with some white tennis shoes. 

I put that on and grab my suitcase and walk out my door. When I get down the stairs I see Dan on the couch petting Bogart, Nicole talking to Brendon who is trying to make pancakes and Kenny is... Being well. Kenny. I laugh at Kenny's childness and walk over to take a seat next to Nicole. "Morning Hann." She says smiling. "Morning." I say back. "Look who's up." Brendon teases. "Ha-ha very funny. I went to sleep late last night thanks to Bogart farting." I say rolling my eyes. "That's my boy!" Brendon yells. Bogart barks back. And Nicole stifles a laugh. "Its not funny." I say laughing myself. "Well eat up we're on the road in 20." He says handing me P shaped pancakes. I look up and blink at him. Very slowly. He looks at me like he doesn't know what I was doing. "really Brendon Panic! Pancakes?" I laugh. "What it has a nice ring to it. Panic! Pancakes." He says doing jazz hands. I laugh shaking my head.

10 minutes before we head to the bus I ask Brendon to talk alone. He looks at me weird before nodding his head. We walk to the kitchen where only Penny stands eating her food. I stop walking and so does Brendon. "What's up Hann?" he asks. "Umm is Sarah coming?" I ask scared for his answer. I see him start to tear up and I run up to him and hug him. He hugs back.

"It's so bad Hannah." He sobs.

hey guys. sorry i didn't update i have been in cali these past few weekes and didn't have time but i hope you liked the chapter if ya did let me know and if ya didn't shut the fuck up. any ways...



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