Chapter 15

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We're back

When we get to the house Brendon sighs and opens the front door. I start walking up the stairs and go to my room. I close the door and lock it. I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling.

"Hannah, can I come in?" Brendon asks outside the door.

I get up and unlock the door. "Whats up?"I ask. He looks at me for a while then speaks, "Uhh tour starts tomorrow, i don't know if you still wanna go or not. If you do start packing and if you don't I'll take you to Sarah's house." He says.

I smile and walk to my bed. I grab my suitcase from under it and put it on top of my bed. I walk over to my dresser and start packing all my things. Shorts, shirts, sweatshirts etc.

I finish in one hour and walk downstairs to see Brendon on the phone.

"Look I know that we have to realese it soon but I'm not ready for it and I can't do it yet."

"Yes I'm aware that the fans are waiting but these things take time and I'm working on something special for the album."

I walk past him and grab an apple out of the fruit jar. He looks and me and points to the phone and rolls his eyes. I start laughing at his childness.

"Yeah, yeah bye I'm going to spend time with my daughter. K bye."

He brings the phone down from his ear and hits the hang up button. He turns off his phone and groans.

"People suck." He says dragging out the k.

"What's gotcha pissy beebs?" I ask taking a bit out of my apple.

"The record lable needs me to release a pre tour song today but I can't cause it's not ready and I don't know what to do. They've never made me do this before and its just uhhhhh." He says sounding like a teenage girl.

I laugh and walk next to him and start rubbing his back.

"Ya know the only reason I can release this new song is because I can find someone to base it off of." He mumbles.

"Really there are thousands of people. You fans, an old girlfriend, your past. Sarah." I say wispering the last part. He suddenly jumps up and yells, "That's it I base it on Sarah so that she can trust me again!" He squeezed the living snicker doodles out of me and wispered a thank you in my ear.

When he let go he started walking outside to his studio. I smile happy that I helped him.

I start walking up to my room and I look outside. There I see Nicole's car and her getting out of it. I run downstairs to open the door. Right as I reach the bottom one the doorbell rings. I walk towards the door and open it.

"Hey Nicole." I smile. "Hi Hann. Your dad called me over to help him write something?"

"Oh uh yeah he's in his studio." I start walking towards the French glass doors. I open them up to see Brendon not in the studio but in one of the lounge chairs with his tongue sticking out and him writing down notes really fast.

"Hey Dad!" I yell across the pool. He looks up and tells us to walk over.

When we get over there he starts talking.

"Hey Hann could you go upstairs I want this to be a surprise?" He asks nicely. I nod and start walking towards the doors.

I wonder if Sarah will come back?


Hey guys. So umm PFTW just got released and ohhh maw gawd it's awesome.

Tell me what your favorite song is mine would have to be either dying in LA or Hey Look Ma, I Made It.


- Addy

WE'VE CHANGED (adopted by Brendon Urie) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now