Chapter 1

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Warning: This story contains scenes unsuitable for young readers. Reader discretion is advised. Age gap 18+ readers only.

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Chapter 1

I came home light-headed after what happened. We promised to text each other when we both arrive at our house. I took a quick shower to freshen up, and changed my clothes to a more comfortable one before I lay on my bed.

I checked my phone. I received several texts from Luis and one text from Mac. I read the latter first.

When will we see each other again?

I smiled. What happened awhile ago was the first time I've given someone a blowjob. It was so hot.

Soon. After my exams.

Second quarter exams is fast approaching so I need to study more. I have to not be distracted by him; or to be reminded of the way he caressed me; or the way his hand went all the way to my...

I shook my head. What was I thinking? I should stop thinking about those or else I'll definitely be distracted.

I, then, replied to Luis' tiresome texts.

By 9, I went to sleep as I have classes tomorrow.

The moment I woke up, I hurriedly prepared for school. My cream colored school blouse and black pants hugged my frame.

My classes are all the same for this week. Quizzes, and oral recitations. Everything we've done to prepare us for our exams the following week.

Mac and I frequently exchange messages every night. He would always text me and make me feel beautiful. At least, that's what I think. I don't know if I have deeper feelings for him other than lust.

Luis also texts me but my replies became less and less. It's just that he is suffocating me. He doesn't want me to go somewhere else alone, even if I just have to buy simple stuff for school. He also does not want me to be present in general assemblies organized by my school and the organization I'm in.

The week for exams came. It was already 4 in the afternoon and I have finished all my exams. Hopefully, I passed all of it. I was walking towards the stairs to go down from the building when someone called me.

"Hey Rika!"

I turned to face her. "Yes Jill?"

"What was your answer on question number twenty? Mine was letter C, but I am having doubts now."

I thought about what she's asking. "Hmm. I don't quite remember but I think it was D. I'm not even sure of it too, so don't fret."

She shrugged. "Oh, okay. Well, I hope the things we got right are many, than the wrong ones."

"Yeah, I hope so." I smiled, then felt my phone vibrate so I grabbed it from my tote bag.

Are you done with your exams? I'm outside your school now.

Reading his message made me want to fly outside to meet him. I just couldn't believe he'll come and pick me up. I typed in my reply.

Really? Yes, I'm done. Be out in a bit.

I glanced back at Jill. "Sorry, but I have to go. See you on Monday!"

She smiled and waved at me. "See you!"

When I was about to go out of school, I saw many students and motorcab drivers circling around a certain motor bike. Imagine my shock when it was Mac who brought that kind of ride.

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