Are You Gay, Mr.Way ?.

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    It's the end of a very exhausting day, and every student has left the classroom, except one, Iero, the class' punk, he usually was the first out.
"Iero, class is over." I say to him.
"I know, I wanted to stay some time with you. You seem lonely."
"My personal life wont interest you. Would you please get home ? The law says I can't get out before all the students."
"I want to be your friend." He says.
"I'm your teacher !"
"I know, Gerard, I know."
"It's Mr. Way." I correct him.
"Gerard," he repeated, and I sigh "give me a ride, my parents aren't going to come get me from now on, and I'm too tired to walk myself." I force my eyebrows. As if it was my business to take care of that punk. "You wouldn't let one of your student get in danger, would you ?"
"You're not in danger..."
"I live quite far, an accident may happen to me." This is how Lindsey died, did he knew ?

    We went in my car. "You seem so lonely, Gerard, how could such a gentle man like you be lonely ?"

"I am not lonely." Nor I was a gentleman. 

"Yes you are, you eat alone, you don't talk to your mates, and seem so damn sad."
"Were you spying on me, Iero ?"
"No, I just happen to be at the right moment every time."
"Why don't you use your intelligence in your studies, you're a bit less than average."
"I only use my intelligence in interesting things, like... you."
"I am not interesting."
"You are to me."
"What are you up to, Iero ?"
"Fucking call me Frank."
"Not until you call me Mr. Way."
"Well Gerard, I always liked how Iero sounds in your lips."
"I think we've arrived at your house."
"Oh Gerard, this is how much you care about your students ?, I don't live here, I just gave you a random address to keep talking to you."
That was true, I didn't gave a shit about my students, and I'll certainly won't. I got pissed after he gave me his real address.
"I have a question, Gerard..." I looked at him, hoping it wasn't a personal question again. "Are you gay, mr. Way ?"
This was it. I was going to kick that punk out of my car. "I never saw you interested in a woman before, so you either be gay or cold as hell." Keep calm. I should keep calm.
"See if you used your intelligence in something effective, you could have known that hell isn't cold, flames are hot, Iero."
"If you used your imagination, you would have known that hell is an iceberg. I believe by the way you answered, means you must be gay."
"I... why should I even give you reasons to why I do not talk to the women kind ?"
"I found your secret, didn't I ? It's okay to be gay, Gerard, don't hide in the closet."
"I'm not fucking gay !" I screamed at him.
"Woah... chill..."
"You. You need to chill. You need to leave me alone."
"As if you weren't already lonely."
"Look Iero, we're not going to be friends, I'm your goddamn teacher, and you're my student, try the fuck you want, you ain't gonna ruin my career or anything."
"I didn't know you could curse."
"I hope this is your real house, or else I'm leaving you here."
"Yeah, it is."
"Good, take care."
"I'm not giving up Gerard, I'm going to be your friend."
    What's up with this kid suddenly wanting to be my friend, I mean that punk didn't care about anything, how could he be caring about me now ?. So suddenly, unless he wanted to do something to me ?
I've sacrificed years for this job, he can't just ruin me now.
I was crying in the car, he made me remember my wife's death. Oh Lindsey, I miss you so much. If you were here, I'd never have a fear...


Hello !

New Frerard fanfic, Teacher Era Gerard Way x Revenge Era Frank Iero.

It's gonna be short (it has 10 chapters only.)

I hope you enjoy Hell Is An Iceberg.

Best wishes,


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