It's not so awesome.

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My existance is really unnecessary, isn't it?

Yeah, I say that everything is awesome (mostly myself), and yeah, I act arrogant and annoying and a thousand other negative adjectives that you could think of, but I don't think that any of you understand the point. The point of all of that, and my life, is so that people don't see.

When my country dissolved, I survived because I still had a purpose, as a person. That purpose was to look out for mein kleiner bruder, and others in my life that I had loved. But Ludwig doesn't need me anymore. He's not the same kid that I knew, he's a strong, independant man that doesn't need his older brother to guide him through life.

Any others that I'd loved- Roddy, Liz, and a handful of others- either seem to hate me or can never make time for me. I know that they're busy, I'm not so long dissolved that I don't remember what it's like to run your own country, but it's unlikely that they couldn't spare even a minute to say hello. Every. Damn. Time.

Which brings me to my closure. Life has no value if you don't have a purpose. Before, I've always manajed to convince myself that I had some reason to still be here, that it wasn't just sheer will and desperation to live that kept me alive. But I realize now what I didn't before, in all my ignorance: life isn't something that is always going to go your way. After I learned this and a few decades passed, I learned that you're never going to recover from the downs in life.

At least I won't. Because life? It's not so awesome.

- Prussia


I've returned! Gifted with my own laptop for my birthday a couple days ago, I can now update much more for you guys. ^^~ I hope you enjoyed this, and please know that the message Prussia wrote, that you'll never recover from the downs of life, isn't true! Never give up. <3

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