The Party (3)

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Graham arrived at the party rather late. As he stepped through the door, people were already grinding on each other, dancing along to the music and looking tipsy. Graham felt anxious. There was almost no oxygen in the very very crowded room - a concept he dearly hated. He hoped he wouldn't get a panic attack there.
Swooping into the mob of people, he tried to find Alex, the host. And the only person he knew there. "Just me and my mates chilling," Alex had told him. Yeah right, mate. The 150 people in the room seemed nothing like "me and my mates". Graham felt flustered.
He managed to find Alex a few minutes of desperate searching later, surrounded by four birds, getting all touchy-touchy with him. Graham wasn't sure he wanted to cockblock him right now, as he seemed to be getting lucky soon. Luckily, Alex noticed Graham first.
"Oi, Graham!" Alex said as he made his way to Graham awkwardly standing with his hands in pockets. "So glad you could make it, mate." he said, sounding sincere.
Graham smiled. He was glad Alex ditched those lassies for a while to chat him up. He wasn't sure why though, maybe Graham really did have awkwardness and anxiety written on his face? "Glad to be here, mate." he then said. He decided not to say anything about the party being way bigger than he expected it to be. Maybe Alex was like really really really really really social. I wouldn't want to know what a big party is to him, Graham thought.
"So, anyway, since I'm know...trying to shag those girls," Alex then said quietly with a mischievous grin on his face, already so familiar to Graham. "I thought I'd introduce you to some of my mates, maybe?"
Graham's heart stopped. Oh no. That was bad. He didn't want to be left alone and with a stranger - even worse! They probably have nothing in common and Graham will be super annoying and...
"That's Damon!" Alex said, pulling a blond guy next to himself. Damon was chatting up some guys at the bar before, looking rather confused now at what Alex was up to.
Graham's heart skipped a beat. Damon? He looked at the man's eyes, and it was Damon. The same Damon's piercing eyes staring back at him. Those ocean blue waves of melancholy and rebellion. That little curvy nose which got wider as he smiled. His big mouth with his bit chapped lips and tongue, licking them. As he realized who Graham was, he's expression changed from relaxed to shocked, but only for a millisecond. Then his confidence was back on and he gave Graham a big smile. Or rather a grin.
"Oooh, Graham," he said, immediately following with a hug. "Lovely to see you again here, mate!" God, he smelled wonderful. Like flowers, mixed with a tiny hint of sweat, soap and washed sheets. Graham awkwardly hugged him back.
"You guys know each other?" Alex asked them. Now it was his turn to be confused.
"Ye, of course I know good ole Gra!" Damon said, putting his arms around Graham's shoulders. He felt weird. Why was Damon acting like that?
"Wow mate, that's lovely! Guess I can just leave the two of you to chat?" Alex said. You could already see from his eyes that he wanted to go back to the girls and the girls looked annoyed too, that their chap was taken from them. "See ya later!" he then said, leaving, before Damon or Graham could even say anything.
"So," Damon said, turning to Graham, who could feel his hands getting sweaty. "You never called me."
What? How could have I called him, Graham thought. He didn't even give me a...
Damon put his hand in Graham's jean pocket, as if he was reading Gra's mind. That was really, really weird. He wasn't used to people like that all. Damon pulled out a little slip from the pocket, which read had Damon's name and his number on it. Graham was surprised, to say the very least.
"I'm...I'm so sorry mate," Graham said stuttering. "I had no idea that it was there."
"Ye, I overestimated you then. Thought you'd check your pockets more often." Damon grinned. Graham felt kind of bad, but confused again too. Did Damon really expect his phone call? What would have happened if he would have really called?
After a while of chit-chatting, Damon put a cup in Graham's hand, grabbing a drink from the bar for himself too.
"You're not going back to your friends?" Gra asked then. Not that he wanted Damon to leave, but he definitely did not want to feel like a burden. Or annoy him.
"Eh, they're not my friends. Just rubbish. I like you more."
Graham felt his cheeks turning red. Damon was really straightforward. He wasn't quite sure if he liked it or not.
As the drinks lessened, the music got louder and people loosened up. Even Graham started to feel good, even though he rarely enjoyed parties. He was dancing with Damon, drunker than perhaps he himself was. Damon took his hand and swirled under it. Graham laughed, he was having so much fun. It really really had been a while since he had gotten drunk and laughed so much.
Suddenly Damon took his hand again and didn't let go. "I have to show you something," he said, forcing his face to be serious. Graham laughed at his attempt, not realising if he was really serious or not.
"Okay then, mate." he said.
"It'll be fun, I promise." Damon promised, as he was starting to drag Graham up the wooden stairs of Alex's house. Graham didn't even think about where they were going or what Damon was gonna show him, he was too wasted and in a too good mood for that.
They got upstairs and Damon opened a door to a room which seemed to be Alex's room maybe.
"Are we allowed to be up here?" Graham asked with a giggle. He suddenly remembered the distant fear that Damon might be a serial killer. After all, what did he even know about Damon? Tonight he had gotten to know him pretty well, but still. It was the first day they had properly talked and now he was in Alex's bedroom with him.
"I guess," Damon said as he moved closer to Graham. He took his hands and they started slow-dancing, without music. Graham couldn't stop giggling. Damon looked so beautiful, dancing in the moonlight shining through the window, Gra thought. He couldn't take his eyes off Damon and neither could Dames.
Slowly, Damon started inching even closer to him. He put his hands on Graham's shoulders. And suddenly, his lips were on Gra's. Graham's mind went blank. He couldn't think, his only thought was to kiss him back. He wanted to kiss him back, so bad. He was so gorgeous and mysterious.
Suddenly, everything rushed back to Graham. The reality. The understanding that he was kissing another man. In some guy's bedroom. Where they could get caught any second, if someone happened to walk in. Graham widened his eyes took a sharp step back.
"Damon," he started quietly. "What the fuck?"
He pulled himself off Damon's arms and rushed out of the room. What the fuck had just happened? He kissed a man? Did he like it? Graham had quite mixed emotions about the kiss. But for now, he needed to get out. He needed to get some air. And some tea.
"Graham, wait!" Damon shouted but Graham was already on his way downstairs. He quickly found Alex, told him that he wasn't well and was going to leave. Before Alex could give a proper reaction, Graham was out the door.
He ran from the house, away from what had just happened. After a while he stood and breathed in the fresh spring air.

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