The Perfect Day (5)

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Graham peeked at the clock on his bedroom wall. Fuck. Is it really already quarter past two? Graham thought. He had been texting Damon for quite a while now. Although his eyes barely stayed open, he refused to fall asleep. He doubted that he even could, with Damon on his mind. He had gotten to know him so much better. Via text though, but still. Graham actually preferred texting to chatting in real life, since with the first option didn't come with uncontrollable anxiety. Thank God Damon was rather chatty and open, otherwise things could have gone a lot more awkwardly.
In about 40 minutes, Damon sent that good night text, and Graham placed his phone on his night stand, staring at the ceiling. He still had a lot of unanswered questions, the most important one drumming in his head being the one about his sexuality. Was That thought felt very odd in his head, although he had played with it a couple of times before. Before meeting Damon, he could've sworn on his own grave that he was straight. As straight as an uncooked spaghetti. But now? He had kissed another man, repeatedly, held his hand and stared into his gorgeous blue eyes. And most importantly, he had fucking enjoyed it, very much actually.
He turned on his side in bed and thought whether Damon was thinking about that kind of stuff too. Was he worried about his sexuality? Or had he already accepted the fact that he was gay? Was he in love with Graham? And was Graham in love with him?
Am I? Graham thought. I don't know...I mean, he's as dreamy as a lad can get, but Graham still had his doubts. Maybe Damon just has to prove that he was reliable, Graham thought with a yawn.
As thoughts, one weirder than the other, whirled in his head, he fell asleep. In his dreams he saw nothing but himself being in the woods and a beautiful voice calling his name. Could it be Damon?
The next morning he woke up earlier than the morning before. Everything came back to him in a flash: Damon, the kiss. He smiled as he played their kisses over and over again in his head.
Graham then grabbed his phone from his night stand, scrolling through the notifications. He had quite a few ones from Damon, who, as he could imagine, wasn't too scared of coming off strong. Damon had come up with the idea of going on a picnic in Primrose Hill, as the weather was lovely. Graham checked out the window and was rather pleasantly surprised. A very beautiful spring sun shone outside, calling every lad and lass to come outside and enjoy it while it lasts.
Graham got out of the bed, stepped into his kitchen and proceeded to make himself a cup of tea. Tea ready, Graham decided to lounge on the balcony for a while, catching as much sun as he could. He put his tea aside and lit himself a cigarette, a bad habit he had developed since he moved to London - everyone seemed to be smoking here. He got his phone out of his robe pocket and texted Damon back. His date agreed to pick him up around 2, giving him an hour and a half to get ready. Gra decided to jump into the shower, brush his teeth, comb his hair and put on a red sweater he found on the floor of his bedroom. He had been fannying around cleaning his room forever now, and he cursed himself for it. Thankfully, the sweater seemed to look rather clean and all together suitable for a picnic out. He even had some time to catch up on his favourite show before Damon arrived.
In 30 minutes, Graham heard his doorbell ringing. He got off the couch with his heart pounding like mad. He could already feel his blood rushing to his head, even though he hadn't even seen Damon yet and couldn't even be a hundred percent sure that was him. But as he opened the door, he realised that indeed was him and he looked smart. He stood there like an ancient Greek god, looking like he drove here straight out of bed, still managing to look perfect. His blonde hair covered his piercing blue eyes a bit, today shining brighter than ever. Probably because of the neat sunshine, Graham thought. Damon had some baggy jeans and a loose-fitting shirt on, making Graham look rather overdressed. But his clothes weren't the thing that caught Gra's eyes first. It was Damon's absolutely dashing face, smiling his beautifully gorgeous grin which Graham had already fallen in love with. Damon had a sunflower in his hand, which he held out like a present. Graham couldn't help but smile. He suddenly didn't care about the weather or even what they were about to do - the sunshine was standing right before him and Graham realised with him, every day would be sunny.
"You look surprised." Damon laughed. "Didn't think I'd clean up that nicely, eh?" he pointed at his baggy jeans. Damon took Gra's hand and put the sunflower in it, as Graham himself couldn't move.
"Shall we get going?" Damon asked.
"Sure, let me just get my...uhh...water," Gra said and barged back inside, closing the door in front of Damon. He was wheezing, out of breath. This was already way, way too much for him. The short moment of calmness which had occurred when he first opened the door was gone and all his worries and anxieties were back. He grabbed the corner of the table for balance and breathed in. And out. In. And out. In. And then out again, trying to refrain from having a panick attack. Not a good time, Gra, he thought. Damon's waiting for you. Graham grabbed a random water bottle from the kitchen to make his white lie seem believable and rushed out the door. Damon was already waiting in his old-fashioned sky blue cabriolet, playing with the radio. As he noticed Graham again, he waved and smiled. Graham smiled back. He hoped everything was going to be okay.
Gra hopped into the car and they started driving. London looked particularly lovely that Sunday, as they listened to Pink Floyd. The city was shining and that sunshine reflected from the people they drove by and especially the man he was sitting next to. Damon seemed to in a great mood too, confident as always. He was smiling to himself, quietly singing along to the song. Graham watched his lips move slowly and suddenly felt an urge to kiss him. Damon caught him staring and gave him an knowing grin, as he knew exactly what dirty thoughts were going through Graham's head. Graham turned away and blushed, feeling a tad embarrassed.
As they were getting closer to Primrose Hill, Graham asked a question which had gone through his head for some time now. "Where are you going to park, mate?"
Damon's eyes widened. "Oh shit, mate, I hadn't thought of that at all!"
Graham laughed. "I just thought of arriving to yours glamorously like Marlon Brando or something and not at all of where I'm gonna park this little fucker!" Damon continued. Graham couldn't stop laughing, which made Damon snort too. There they were, looking for a parking place in the crowded, sunny London, laughing their butts off, listening to Pink Floyd. Graham had a sunflower on his lap. Everything seemed perfect to him and he never wanted this to end.
Soon, they found a parking space, quite a few blocks away from Primrose Hill, but still better than nothing. Damon took the basket with food from the backseat and Graham stood there, with his hands in his pocket, feeling a bit awkward. They started walking beside each other to their destination, when Damon suddenly grabbed Gra's hand. Graham gave him a surprised look, not necessarily a bad one. Damon looked at him reassuringly, so Graham held on tightly. He actually liked the feel of Damon's hand in his, as it was bigger and firmer than a bird's hand. Also, the hand belonged to someone he really liked, making the situation even better.
After arriving, Damon put a light yellow blanket on the ground, placed the basket on it, before lying down on the blankie himself and patting the space next to him. Graham's heart was pounding as he got down on the blanket too. They were now lying side to side, enjoying the sunshine caressing their faces. Graham closed his eyes, listening to birds tweet and Damon's slow breaths. He could feel his hand searching for his and as he realised what Damon was trying to do, he grabbed his hand and placed it on his chest.
"Your heart seems lovely," Damon said quietly, as if he was afraid to disturb the peacefulness they were in. Graham turned and looked at him. His eyes were closed and he was squinting a bit because of the sunshine. He looked like absolute perfection just lying there, being himself. His skin seemed to be glowing too. Graham leaned closer to have a look at his face skin, when suddenly Damon opened his eyes and kissed Graham, who had not seen this coming at all. He laughed as he tried to kiss him back. Damon sat up, squeezed Graham and then did another thing Graham didn't saw coming - he pushed Graham down the hill, whilst holding on to him, so they just kept rolling down. Graham was screaming with laughter and Damon couldn't help but to laugh too, mostly at how much fun Graham was having. And how beautiful he looked while laughing. He couldn't take his eyes off him, even if he tried.
As they reached down, Damon got up first, offering Graham a hand. He took it and got up too, a wide smile on his child-like face.
"What was that for, you nitwit?" he asked with laughter.
"Oh, don't pretend you didn't like it!" Damon answered, poking Graham in the arm. "I saw exactly how wide your freaking smile was, Gra!"
"That was because I was bloody scared! Thought we were gonna die!"
"Yea right, like anyone has ever died because of rolling down the Primrose Hill," Damon snapped back, grinning at Graham. Gra could physically feel his heart melt, until his insides were nothing but liquid honey.
They climbed back on top and finished the snacks and the tea Damon had brought for them. They sat there until the sunset. It was getting rather chilly, but none of them wanted to leave, so they just sat there, staring at the sun, squashed together like penguins trying to keep warm. Damon kissed Graham's cheek, making him blush. He was rather surprised that they hadn't gotten any nasty comments from anyone else there. No one called them "nancy boys" or "faggots". People weren't even staring. Seemed like nothing could ruin this perfect day. Only time, our most beloved treasure and greatest enemy. Time, which can heal any wound, but won't stop even if you're willing to give your whole life for it. And time didn't stop on that evening too. Soon it was so cold that Gra and Dames just had to get moving. They had sat there for so many hours, munching, talking, hugging and kissing every now and then that their butts where already aching. Graham could feel that his face was too hurting from smiling that much, but all the smiling had been genuine. He had just been that happy to be with Damon.
Their car ride back was rather quiet. The radio was playing quietly in the background, as they drove home in Damon's cabriolet, holding hands. Graham begged God that he car ride would last longer as he craved more and more time with Damon. Damon seemed to have the same thing on his mind, as he seemed to be taking random turns and roads to extend their time together.
But soon, everything lovely comes to an end and soon, that day did too. Damon pulled over in front of Graham's house and for a while they just sat there, squeezing hands and looking ahead. Damon was the first to break the silence.
"So..." he said.
"So..." Graham said back. He looked at Damon looking at him. His eyes looked a bit scary in the street lightning, giving his appearance a psychotic vibe. Graham was digging it.
"I don't want to go." Graham then confessed, looking at his feet.
"I don't want you to go either, Gra," Damon said, grabbing both of his hands and looking deeply into his eyes. "Don't go, Graham."
"Dames, you know that I have to," Graham said quietly. A thought was wandering his mind - should he maybe invite Damon in? I mean, everyone knows what THAT means, he thought, but maybe we could just hang? Then the remembered that he had uni tomorrow. And Damon had too. Maybe. Did he even go to uni? Graham felt confusion again. He was falling in love with someone he knew so little about. He shook his head. No bad thoughts now, he thought. Today is going to be perfect.
"Are we going to see tomorrow, Dames?"
"We absolutely are. I don't think I can live a day without seeing your face."
"I have to go now."
"Go then. Make it quick. Don't make my suffering longer, Gra."
Graham opened he car door and got out.
"Graham, wait!" Damon called.
Graham looked back.
"I love you."
..., Graham thought. That's literally what he thought. His mind went blank, for the 528362916th time this week. God, why was life so confusing.
"I love you too, Dames." Graham turned his back and walked in. After closing the door, he collapsed, resting on the door.
Oh. My. God. He thought. What the actual fuck just happened?

Hi guys, so this was a bit longer chapter, any thoughts? Still waiting for your feedback, thanks xx

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