The Shocker (6)

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It took Graham quite a while to recover from what Damon had told him. He couldn't get it out of his head for hours, leaving him even more confused than he was before. But the next morning when the thought back on the day before, his heart wanted to explode with happiness. It had literally been a perfect day, Graham thought, something I'll never forget. The only confirmation that Graham hadn't made it all up was the bright sunflower in a vase on his nightstand. He smiled at it, the one thing he lingered on to.
After quickly getting his morning errands done, Graham grabbed his bag to get going. Uni was waiting. But as he opened his front door, he was shaken in surprise. He couldn't take one step out of the door or he would have bumped into the man whose face he had gotten so familiar with. Damon. Damon was once again standing on his doorstep, looking as charming as ever. Other than wearing a jean jacket and some rather silly-fitting trousers, he was wearing that beautiful smile of his which blew Graham away. Before Graham could even say anything, Damon grabbed him into a kiss. Graham gasped, but Damon didn't let that bother him. He held onto Graham even tighter, squeezing the tiniest bit of air left in him out. Graham could feel Damon smiling through the kiss.
In a while Damon pulled away, but kept smiling. He held onto Graham's hand, whispering: "Hi, love. Thought you needed a ride to the uni."
"Uhhh, wow. What a lovely surprise. Sure," Graham whispered back, now smiling as well.
Damon pulled Graham lightly by his hand and started dragging him to his car. The same car - blue cabriolet - another confir mation decreasing his fear that yesterday was only a dream. It wasn't. His Prince Charming was standing on his doorstep once again, in the sunlight, being almost too good to be true. Maybe he was.
During their ride Graham got to know Damon a bit better. He found the courage to ask all those questions he had wanted to for yonks. He found out that Damon actually went to the same uni as he - but supposedly the building was too big for him to see Damon. He also found out that Dames majors in psychology - he hoped to become a psychiatrist one day. It suits him, Graham thought to himself, as he kind of seems psychotic to me at times. He giggled. Damon gave him a questionable look, but Graham just shrugged.
As they arrived and got out of the car, Graham stood a bit away from Damon, to make it seem like they were just mates, nothing more. But Damon stepped boldly right next to him, took his hand and kissed it as he looked Graham in the eye. Graham couldn't help but blush. Damon isn't embarrassed of me at all, he thought. Where did he find all that courage? They walked through the halls of uni hand in hand, ignoring all the side-eye looks. They didn't get that many actually, since it was the 21st century and being gay wasn't anything extraordinary. Damon accompanied Graham to his first lecture, and then kissed him lightly on his lips when it was time to say goodbye. He tasted like honey and lemon. Probably from the morning tea, Gra thought. Entering the classroom, thoughts of Damon's soft touch and infinite eyes were still on his mind. He could think of Damon almost without interruption, until Alex, whom he was sitting next to, gave him an anxious look, and asked: " and Damon then?"
Graham lit up. "Ye, mate. I think so. It's great. I mean, he's great."
"Aye, he's a real charmer..." Alex then started. "Listen, mate...I've got something to tell you,"
But before Alex could finish what he was bound to say, he was interrupted by their Professor. Alex gave Graham an agonizing look, making the last one quite worried. Alex didn't get another chance to talk to him until the end of the lecture.
When the lecture ended, Graham and Alex packed their laptops and got out of the hall. Alex looked around and pulled Graham to the wall. "It's about Damon," Alex said as he was looking anxiously around, not maintaining eye contact with Graham. Suddenly, his eyes widened and his mouth shut. He was looking past Graham.
"What is it, Alex? Tell me!" Graham begged. But Alex's mouth remained closed, and soon Graham realised why. He felt a light tap on his shoulder. Before he even turned around, he instinctively knew who it was. He had gotten so used to the touch of his skin and the way it fitted with is. He took Damon's hand from his shoulder and held it in his.
"What's poppin', mates?" Damon asked casually.
Alex didn't say a word, he just looked at Damon tensely. He managed to squeeze out a forced smile though, then patted Gra on his shoulder and proceeded to walk away.
Damon stared at Alex leaving and then mumbled: "What's he on about?"
"Don't know, mate, he's been quite tense all day now. Maybe got some troubles at home," Graham assumed. He obviously couldn't tell Damon the truth - what if Alex was making all of this up for some kind of selfish reasons and then Damon would get mad for nothing. Graham didn't want to risk Damon's approval. And love. He cared for Damon more. And so for now, he decided to leave it and find a chance to confront Alex later. He didn't seem to be lying, though. Or if he was, then he was bloody got at it.
Graham took Damon's hand and they started walking again, as they didn't want to cause traffic. They had lunch later and soon their time in uni was over. Graham had fewer lectures than Damon, so he was set to go home on his own. Before leaving, the looked out for Alex again, but he was nowhere to be found.
At home, when fannying around for quite a while and finally getting around to doing his homework, Graham got an unexpected call. He hoped it'd be from Alex, maybe, who had gotten time to reach out to him and finally give him some peace of mind. But it wasn't Alex. It was Damon. And that made Graham even happier, as he found himself constantly missing him when they weren't together and his thoughts were more or less always tied to him. He picked up the phone.
"Hi, Dames!"
"Hello, my love!" His favourite voice said from the other side of the line. Graham felt a twist in his gut. He absolutely loved when Damon called him his love.
"I have a question for you," Damon then said, his voice as sweet as marmalade, his words dripping from his lips like honey. Graham could imagine it happening.
"Aye, Graham, you there?" the voice on the other side asked then.
"Oh, right," Graham reverted, "I must have gotten too lost in my thoughts."
"Haha, classic you," Damon chuckled and Graham could feel his face turning red again. "Anygays, I was wondering if I could spend the night at yours?"
As Damon had said those words, Graham could feel his vision getting a tad blurry and unfocused. He zoned out. Did...did Damon want to spend the the night? Graham felt a bit anxious, but exited too. He hadn't understand perfectly what Damon meant, but the thought of...being with him...gave him shivers. The good ones.
"Graaaaa, are you theeeere?" Damon sung.
"Yeah, yeah, sure, Damon. I'd love for you to come over." He didn't ask yet what exactly Damon meant. What if he doesn't wanna shag and then I'll be so embarrassed, he thought. I'll just let the things flow on their own.
"Great, can I come over 8? Or 9? Something like that. I've got quite a lot homework to catch up on actually," Damon said.
Graham nodded, then realising that Damon could see him, so he told him that it'd be fine. He had some stuff to do too. Like clean his house until it was so clean that no man dared to touch it. To seem casual to Damon, y'know.
At around half past eight, Graham heard a knock. His insides twisted for the second time that day, as he made his way downstairs. Before opening the door, he gave himself a quick look in the mirror - a yellow shirt and some jeans - he looked nice. He wore yellow since Damon had once told him it looked lovely on him. He himself thought that blue was his colour.
He opened the door and there was Damon once again, wearing yet another pair of baggy-fitting jeans and a Penguin Books shirt. Graham adored this shirt and it looked like Damon had taken notice of it. He looked dashing as always.
"My love," Damon sighed before he grabbed Graham to his embrace. He gave him a passionate kiss, Graham could feel his needy tongue in his mouth. Graham sighed into his mouth, begging for more. Damon approved and grabbed Graham tighter. Graham felt like they were as one man, uniting in love which had only lasted for a rather short time, but it felt so real. Felt like it was meant to be, maybe.
They were in each others arms for a quite a while, standing there on Gra's doorstep. They stopped when Damon felt a drizzle on his neck, meaning it was going to rain soon. Graham pulled him into the house and closed the door behind him. There was awkwardness in the air for some reason. And there they stood, two young men, acting as they had just been caught doing something taboo. Graham was looking at his feet and as he caught a glimpse of Damon, he saw for the first time that he was blushing, he seemed to feel a little awkward too.
"So..." Damon said, being the first one to break the silence. The silence felt weird - just a minute ago they were making out on the doorstep like it was going to be the last thing they'll ever do and now they just stood in Gra's kitchen, unsure of what to do or say.
"Uhhh," Graham started. "Do you want something to eat?"
Damon laughed at his silly attempt to make things less awkward. His laugh lit up the whole kitchen, like the sun was inside him. That's what Graham liked to think of Damon sometimes, like he had the whole sun fitted inside. That's why he always seemed to be glowing and in a way, sunny. Even if he was pouting or angry or mad, Damon was sunny.
"Tea would be neat, thanks," Damon then managed to say through his subsiding laughter.
Graham went on to make them some tea and Damon sat down on one of the chairs in Gra's kitchen.
Five minutes later, the tea was ready and Graham sat by the table, across Damon as he brought him his mug. Damon thanked him shyly and then stared at Graham, as he was waiting for something. Graham looked away, he felt uncomfortable when people looked at him for too long. He couldn't explain it, but he always felt like they'd find out all his insecurities and secrets. He didn't like it, at all.
Graham checked his watch, it showed 9 o'clock. He then glanced at Damon, who was stirring his tea. He had finally taken his eyes off Graham.
But not much longer later, Graham felt Damon's hand on his thigh. He winced with surprise, but that didn't interrupt Damon who, while deeply looking into Graham's eyes, worked his way slooooowly up Gra's thigh. Graham swalloved, his adam's apple moving and he looked at Damon nervously. Damon's confidence hadn't been shattered not even a tiny bit as he still looked Graham boldly in his eyes. Graham could feel himself getting hard. Damon's hand had now almost reached his pecker, and Graham felt exited and nervous. It felt weird and fucking great at the same time. Two seconds before Damon was about to grab him, Graham stood up suddenly and Damon pulled his hand away, looking even less surprised than Graham felt. Maybe he had already sensed that Graham wasn't ready to go that far yet. But Graham had only one thought plummeting in his mind: Why the fuck did I just do that? He had actually enjoyed it. He wanted to be with Damon. I mean...isn't that what he's here for? Graham thought. But in the last second Gra had chickened out and stood up. He had no idea what to do now, and now Damon was definitely looking at Graham like he was waiting for something. For Graham to explain himself.
"I...uhh," Graham mumbled and that was all he managed to get out. But Damon understood him without words and placed his hand on his.
"Graham. It's okay. I get it. You're not ready. It's okay. Breathe in." His voice was so sensual and demanding at the same time, that Graham instinctively took a deep breath in. Damon squeezed his hand, assuring.
"Do you want to go to sleep, Gra? Looks like you could use some shut-eye."
"Gee, thanks. What a lovely way to say I look horrible," he scoffed.
"C'mon, Graham! You know I didn't mean it like that! You're the most beautiful tonme. And I love you so very much," Damon now got up too and embraced Graham. His hug felt so warm and firm - like home. Graham never wanted to let him go. He never did, but at that moment that feeling had grown even more. Damon started dragging Graham into his bedroom. That feels weird, Graham thought, someone else dragging you into your own bedroom. But I don't mind being dragged into a bedroom by - he checked out Damon's butt - Damon FineAss Albarn, to be honest. He chuckled lightly.
They reached Gra's room and Graham turned on the lights. There was only one bed, and he wasn't sure if Damon was okay with sleeping in it...
"So," Damon said as he jumped onto Gra's bed. "You gonna join me or wha?"
Graham felt his cheeks turning pink. God, why am I always blushing?! He thought. He joined Damon on his bed, who sat up and started kissing Graham with passion. His hands started wandering again, first on his yellow shirt, then under it.
"Nice shirt," he breathed into Graham's mouth as he took it off and threw it onto the floor with a majestic gesture.
Graham gasped, pulling Damon's shirt off as well. He tangled for a bit, as he never seemed to do things as smoothly as Damon.
Damon then rolled himself on top of him and started pulling Gra's trousers off, until he was wearing nothing but underwear. Graham felt insecure, but Damon seemed to adore every inch of his body.
He stopped kissing his lips and started moving downwards, giving him neck kisses, leaving a bright red hickey. He slowly made his way to his chest, teasing him with tongue. Graham shivered in pleasure. Damon dragged his tongue across Gra's little hairy stomach, and as he was about to reach the end, he stopped and looked at Graham. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be totally in his own zone. When he realised Damon had stopped, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at him.
"I know where my boundaries are," Damon grinned and came up, their faces on the same level now. Graham wished he hadn't stopped. He was so close to begging him to continue, to go 'til the end, but as Damon came up, he understood that the chance was gone. He put his arms around Damon and kissed his straight nose.
"I love you, Dames," Graham said. And that time he could say it with full certainty. He did love him. And it felt fucking amazing.
"I love you too, my love," Damon replied. Graham saw from his eyes that he was getting sleepy. Gra went under the covers and removed Damon's jeans, so he was wearing nothing but underwear too. Gra couldn't help but admire his bulge. He wanted to touch it, but he held himself back. Not now, Gra, he told himself, not now. He got back and found Damon almost asleep. Poor baby, he thought. Being rejected like that from giving a blowjob must be exhausting. He giggled quietly. God, I'm hilarious, he added.
As minutes went by and Damon started quietly snoring in his arms, Graham was also floating somewhere in between sleep and wakefulness. He was almost falling, but then a sharp tone awaked him - his doorbell. Graham was up in a second - what the fuck was that? Who was behind my door at - he checked his watch - 2 am? He thought. He quickly grabbed his robe and checked on Damon, who was still sound asleep.
He went down the stairs, to the door. He opened and behind it was Alex, looking nervous and like he didn't want to be there at all. He probably didn't, as it was 2 a.m. Why wasn't he asleep?
"Alex," Graham said. "Why aren't you asleep?" Graham then phrased his thought. "What are you doing here?"
Instead of answering his questions, Alex looked around anxiously and asked Gra if Damon was there.
"He sure is, mate," Graham said, rubbing his eyes. "Why you ask?"
"Okay, then I won't come in. But listen, Graham, you need to listen to me. I don't have much time. My friend Sophia is waiting for me," Alex gestured towards the black Volvo standing a bit away. Behind the steering wheel there was a lovely looking bird with dyed grey hair and skinny physique.
"I'm listening," Graham said, now more awake. "Is this about Damon?" he lowered his voice.
"Yes," Alex answered, now seemingly more nervous. "You need to know something about him," Graham listened, but as there was a nerve-racking pause in Alex's speech, he got impatient.
"Alex, tell me!"
"Damon..Damon's in a relationship. Has been for the past 4 years now."

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