Chapter 2

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     Thomas leapt back just as a spray of salty seawater splashed over the old wooden railing onto the deck. "Captain! What exactly are we running from?" He took a few paces back, narrowly avoiding a swarm of his crazed crew members trampling him to dust. "Look over the edge and see for yourself!" Thomas tried to make his way towards the front of the ship, but nearly got stampeded for the second time. Irritated, he ran towards the foremast and became to climb the shroud. He perched at the top, letting his legs dangle over the mast, squinting against the rays of the sun. The glare of the water mocked him, not letting him see what was in the depths. "I don't see anything!" "Well look again!" An irritated reply came back.

     He looked hard at the crashing waves and thought he imagined a tiny ripple at the surface. Something hit the ship with such force, Thomas nearly fell off of his perch. "Cursed beast." Someone spat from down below. Something straight and black poked out of the water. Shark. He shook his head. A shark's fin would like smooth and gray. But this one was black. Which meant that there was only one possibility... The boat shuddered again, more forceful this time, as the boat itself was as afraid as the crew. He scrambled down the shroud, peering over the edge, trying to catch a glimpse of the terrorizing creature.

     A huge black and white beast leap out of the sea, powerful jaws snapping an inch away from his head. It's white teeth gleamed hideously. He ricocheted away from the railing, almost surprised that he hadn't been frozen from shock. "Orca." "Not just one." A voice said disapprovingly from behind him. "A whole pod of them." "Captain, do you think the cannons could shoot them?" The captain stared ahead with no expression on his face. "No. They're under the ship." Great, there's even more. "How about..." An idea came to his mind, something he knew was probably impossible. Just something he had always hoped but could never ask. "How about we go to the land?" The captain turned on him with such anger that Thomas couldn't help but flinch. "The land is dangerous." The captain spat. "Don't ever mention that again."

     Thomas glared after the captain. Why don't we go to the land before our ship gets destroyed? Why is it dangerous?  Isn't it better than this? The ship lurched again, causing Thomas to stumble into the now soaked railing. He regained his balance and peered off the edge. There were at least a dozen black and white fins circling the ship, probably more underneath. "Water leaking from the cannon stores Captain!" He heard someone shout. "Patch it up and leave a few people to help up here!" Wait. Don't orcas come up to the surface to breathe? They've been down there for a while. Which means- "Captain!"

     "What?" Came the irked reply. "Do we have any oil?" "What are you going to do with that?" "Do you have it or not?" The captain sauntered over and handed him a flask of oil. "You better know what you're doing. Oil is scare." "Yup." He pulled out a fire starter from his pocket. Two rocks. The only thing he had from the land.

     He banged them together and sparks started to fly. A spark landed on the deck and fire started to blaze. "Are you trying to burn down the ship?!" He heard someone scream at him. He ignored them and forcefully ripped the plank out of the deck and ran around the whole ship, pouring oil into the water. "He's crazy." Someone muttered. "Captain!" He shouted. "Get ready to sail as far away from here as you can!"

    Without waiting for a reply, he dropped the plank onto the oil. The ship started to creak as the captain turned it the other way. "Faster!" The ship groaned as it lurched away. Thomas stared at the black fins pursuing them. Suddenly, there was a huge bang as the oil and fire came in contact.

     "Great job!" A few people complimented, clapping him on the back. Thomas glanced at the captain, hoping to see a small sign of approval, but he just turned away. "Don't try to kill us next time." Thomas narrowed his eyes. I know you're hiding something. I know there's a reason I can't go in the land. And I intend to find out.

     As the people working below deck raced up to see what the commotion was all about, Thomas crept down the old wooden stairs. He glanced at what used to be a crack, seeing how it had been hurriedly patched up with some spare wood. A shadow passed overhead and he quickly hid behind a pile of cannons.

     "Stupid old boat." One of the sailors muttered. "Should've been replaced long ago. But that can only be done on the land." Thomas leaned forward eagerly. The land! "I heard he burned the last row boat we had." Another sailor grumbled. "He even threw the ashes away." Anything more... useful? "And the last person who tried to sneak away was thrown off ship. I heard he was shredded before he drowned." Thomas grimaced. Yeah... I'll keep that in mind. The sailors sauntered away, grumbling about the strict captain.

     Stupid captain. Thomas mentally growled then corrected himself. This 'stupid captain' is the reason you're still alive after your parents gave you away. He's like your father figure. Thomas winced as he remembered the captain's fire filled eyes as he snapped at him to stay away from the land. Maybe I shouldn't go. He shook his head at himself. They used spare wood to patch up the crack. There has to be more.

     He was about to look around when he hear a loud voice call his name. "Thomas!" I'll find it tonight, he thought as he climbed up the stairs, each one creaking under him uncomfortably as if sensing his frustration. I will see the land. 

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