Chapter 4

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     Thump. Thump. Thump. The moonlight spilled through the cracks of the deck, like a giant spotlight, trying to pinpoint his location. Thomas moved closer to the corner that was cloaked in shadows, dragging the pieces of spare wood with him. Thump. Thump. Thump. He glanced up every few seconds in case one of his drunk crew members came sauntering over in a daze. Drunk or not, they can probably realize what I'm doing. And I have no desire whatsoever to be shredded by whatever's deep down in the waters.

     He quietly pounded sharp pieces of rock and metal into the wood, trying to hold it together. Too bad we don't have any nails. The only way we could get them is by going to the land, and we used our last supply patching up that leak. He wrapped a bit of the shroud he had secretly cut off around the raft so the wood wouldn't run away before it even floated. He hoped nobody would notice, he had tried not to cut the edges too jagged.

     This is enough for today. He decided, stepping away from his half completed raft. It didn't really look like a raft. More as if someone had grabbed a few crooked branches, dumped them on top of each other, then wrapped them with vines. Not that Thomas had ever seen branches or vines. He only heard about them stories.

     Thomas slid the makeshift raft underneath the shrinking pile of spare wood. It's rare people come in... so... maybe I can get away with it. He crept out and silently locked the door behind him. The door closed with a click, and he climbed up on deck.

     The waves lapped teasingly against the ship, as if they wanted to play but didn't know how. Every star glimmered, making itself shown, as if trying to prove that it was the brightest. He vaguely remembered Captain's stories when he was still a child. He recalled sitting on the deck, having the Captain point out the constellations as he spoke. What happened to that Captain who cared about me?

     He stared up at the Heavenly Stream, a place where every sailor went after dying at sea.

     A true sailor dies at sea. He remembered Captain saying.

     What if I don't die at sea? He had asked, all those years ago.

     Then be a true sailor so you can join them. Captain tilted his head towards the Heavenly Stream. This is where we all go after death. We can watch over the seas and generations after us forever.

     Tell me a story! Thomas had pleaded. I want to hear about how Heaven and the rest formed!

     Okay then. But listen closely...

     Before even Heaven existed, there were only the elements. They constantly fought over the rule of nothingness.

     There was Fire, the fickle one. Fire could be warm, like the feeling you get when basking in the sunlight. But Fire could be harsh, a cruel heat searing it's enemies. Fire fought for the pleasure of fighting.

     Then there was Earth. Earth was the creator, the builder, the constructor. Since the only thing that existed was nothing, it always put a part of itself into it's creations. Earth fought for union, since all of the elements could build amazing things together, if they only cooperated.

     Of course, there was Air. Air could be everywhere at once. Air could be whispering in dreams, air could bring thoughts, air could corrupt minds. Air fought for control.

     Finally, there was Water. Water was calm. Water was the soothing feeling that comforts you, that saps your anger. So naturally, fire and water were enemies. Water fought because water wanted to be alone. Water was tired of the war.

     Sometime in history, we will never know since Time had not existed then, Water made an agreement with Earth. Together, they took a part of themselves and combined them. This created Heaven, the gentle and the kind. Fire and Wind saw this, and they wanted to show them that they could construct things as well.

     Fire and Wind each took a part of themselves and combined it, and their invention blazed to life. This is the Sun. The Sun could be harmself, yet needed at the same time. The elements came to depend on Sun for Warmth and Light, which came from Sun.

     There were many others after that. Moon, Wind and Water combined. Darkness, created from Fire, Earth, and Wind. Sky, Wind and Earth. But the most important of all was a combination of all four elements combined. Planet, which is what we stand on today.

     At first, Planet looked just like it does today. But there was no movement, no Life, no Time. No plants, no ripples, no currents. It was as if Planet had been covered in an invisible layer of ice, frozen in place. The elements were disappointed, since the product had not turned out as planned. They decided to let Sun consume Planet, which would have happened if Heaven had not stepped forward.

     Heaven breathed life into Planet, and first came Time. Time urged Life to form. Life entered many things. Plants, animals, and us. Moon helped, creating Current, which controlled the flow of the seas. Sun helped as well, directing Light and Warmth to Planet so Life and Time could thrive.

     Time passed, and humans learned to sail the seas, using plants called 'trees', taking their wood. They used ships and boats to explore what was beyond the horizon. Everything was good. The elements were pleased with their work. But one, Darkness, did not want to see Planet thrive.

     Darkness sent it's minion, Night, to block Planet from seeing Sun. Moon tried her best to give off the same light as Sun did, but her light is what we call Moonlight. Shadows taunt it, running away and hiding from it in the corners of the earth.

      Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water wanted to help, but they had used the last of themselves to build and sustain Planet. They could do nothing. Heaven watched from above, seeing what Darkness had done. Darkness had paid her no mind, since she was known to be gentle and kind, not threatening like Fire or Sun.

     Heaven saw Life below, slowly dying out. She could not stand there and do nothing. But Darkness and Night had grown powerful, rivaling even Sun. So she didn't just give part of herself, she gave all of herself, creating the Heavenly Stream. Water had been the first to step out of the war, so in Water's favor, she blessed every human who sailed on sea. They would join her in the Heavenly Stream after Life had left them, forever watching over the seas.

     And Darkness? The elements finally agreed to let Darkness send Night while Light and Warmth returned to Sun. But the stars in the Heavenly Stream always penetrated the blackness of Night. And that is the story of the Heavenly Stream.

     But that's so sad! Thomas had exclaimed. Why did Heaven have to sacrifice herself?

     That's just part of life. Captain had replied. Everyone has to make choices, giving up part of themselves throughout their lifetime.

     Thomas held out his hand and Moonlight greeted it. "Thank you for the sacrifice, Heaven." 

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