Chapter 7

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     The boy was strange. Well, first off, he was human. A creature from a myth. Second, he controlled an eerie red light that gave off the same warmth and heat that the Sun did, called 'fire'. Last, he acted like she was strange for being a dragon. What a weird species humans were.

     There was silence between them for a while. She used that silence to trace her finger over the stars, Shootingstar's scales. "So... what's your name?" The boy asked. "Name?" What's that? "You know, what other people, I mean dragons, call you." Oh, he means callings. "Caroline." "Nice to meet you Caroline. My name's Thomas. Or, I'm assuming that's it since that's what my crewmates always call me. I don't really remember anything before sailing with them."

     This strange boy was giving Caroline a headache. She was having a lot of trouble keeping up with his human language. "Crewmates? Sailing?" He blinked at her a few times. "My crewmates are the people who sail with me. Sailing is basically... transportation on water. A way to travel across it." "Across water?" Wow, humans have a lot of magic. "Yeah. Transportation really advanced the last few decades." Caroline decided not to ask him what 'transportation' or 'decades' were.

     "How did you get here?" He asked. "I... went through... wall..." I wish I knew more words... "Same. Did you come from the seas too?" "Seas?" Caroline shook her head. "Came from mountains." "Mountains? You've been there?" "Never seen mountains?" Thomas shook his head. "No. The only place I know is my home, the place I've spent my whole life. The seas." "Seas?" "Water all around you. There's no bottom, and they stretch on all around you like an endless blue carpet of water." Caroline paused, deep in thought, trying to imagine what that looked like. "That... lot of water." "And at night, the surface is a mirror of the stars in the night sky. The exact reflection." "The exact reflection." She repeated, eyes shifting towards the stars. More stars than I can count. And on water... I could actually touch them.

     The Silver Sun was falling slowly, drifting down the starry sky. It didn't seem quiet as silver as it did before, more like a pale grayish color. The sky had turned pink and red, framing the horizon. "It is time." Thomas looked at her strangely. "Time for what?" "Return of light."

     A burst of gold appeared on the skyline. The ball of fire peered out from the horizon, and the sky was filled with life. Colors spiraled together as if the leaves of the trees before snow season had been scattered across the sky. Warmth spread up to the tips of her paws as she greeted the Sun with a smile. It felt so familiar, so comforting, she forgot everything around her.

     "Caroline." She turned around, facing the sailor. "You're fading." Caroline held her paws up to her face. What Thomas was saying was true. Her paws were transparent, she could see the grass through them, as was the rest of her body. She looked up at Thomas, who was also fading. "No light from Silver Sun. Cannot stay without." "What's going to happen when we completely fade?" He said, looking panicked. Caroline tried to push her anxiousness away, but it came back, nagging at her. "Home."

     She spread out her arms as if the embrace the rising Sun, letting herself be wrapped in the rays of light that were coming off of it. She started fading faster, but she was certain of where she would go. "See you again when Silver Sun is full." She closed her eyes and let herself be cloaked in the warmth of the newly risen Sun.

     A cold breeze rushed around her and she opened her eyes. The trees shook their heads at her as the wind whispered in disappointment. Despite of what anyone thought, she had enjoyed the experience. She had gone beyond her mountain home. She had met a human from a myth. She had seen the heavens overflowing with stars. It felt like a dream, yet she knew it was true. It had really happened.

     Yet, there was a cold feeling of dread inside of her. It almost felt as if she had done something wrong, forbidden. Something with a high price, a terrible consequence to pay. She felt as if she were a stone, sinking to the bottom of the seas, with no way up. Seas. The thought immediately took her to Thomas.

     A human. A myth. He looked a bit like me, well, the wings did. I don't know what I look like since I never saw my reflection. I could see it at the lake, but... Monah forbade me. Monah. Oh no, she's going to be so mad at me. As if on cue, there was an earthshaking roar from on top of the mountain. She flinched and the trees around her shrank, as if fearing what would happen. I have no choice. I have to go. She raced up the mountain slope, running faster than she ever remembered running in her life. Everything was blurred as she passed it, even the winged creature she had encountered earlier was a speck in the distance.

     She jumped on top of the mountain peak, standing up straight. Monah faced her, teeth bared. Her eyes were blazing with fury and her tail lashed from side to side as she growled. Where. Have. You. Been. Caroline lifted her chin in defiance. I went to the wall to see where the Sun went. Monah sniffed the air suspiciously. Human. I smell human on you.

     His name is Thomas. She growled. He's a sailor. Monah's eyes flashed. What did he say? What did he tell you? Caroline let out a hiss. He just asked me what my name was and what language I spoke! Monah took a step back. You told him you were a dragon? Now they'll come after us. Slaughter us. Dragons are now unsafe because of what you have done.

     He wouldn't do that! She said, defensively. Oh really? How much do you know about him to say that? Caroline narrowed her eyes. He controlled fire! Fire is good! Monah shook her head. Fire is dangerous. Now you will stay here, right here on this mountain peak. Understood? Caroline turned away, not answering. I told you I would meet you when the Silver Sun was full, she thought. And I will keep my promise. I will find a way. 

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