Chapter Eight: Magnus' P.O.V

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Alec and I were walking towards a fancy little restaurant downtown that’s probably older than New York itself. The owner and I were go way back and he always charged me way less than what the food normally costs. But even if it was expensive, I wouldn’t care, as long as my Alec was the one eating with me.

We walked into the restaurant and Slag greeted us with a warm smile. Slag’s not his real name though, he changed it last century.

“Magnus, it’s good to see you here!” Slag yelled out happily. “The normal seat?” he kept eyeing Alec as he talked and I had to clear my throat to get his attention, and even then I just nodded.

Slag led us to a table on the second floor that was in the back and had a gorgeous view of the water.

“So, who’s this little eye candy anyway?” Slag asked me quietly, taking out his notepad to get ready to jot down our orders.

I shot him a glare, “this ‘eye candy’ is Alec, and he’s mine, so back off, Slag.”

He let out a hearty chuckle and punched my arm, “you’re in love with him aren’t you? I haven’t seen that happen since…” he trailed off as is reminiscing in a memory “...well hell, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in love.” He clicked his pen and scribbled on his hand to get it to work, “anyway, what will you two have to drink?”

I ordered a Pepsi and when Alec tried to order water I wouldn’t let him, instead I ordered him a coke while he glared at me.

“I’m sorry,” I said with a light laugh as Slag walked away to go and get our drinks. “You do need to loosen up though, it’s just a soda.”

Alec put on a fake pout and looked at me intensely, “but Mags,” he drew out the ‘a’ in my nickname. “It’s going to ruin me, I’ll get all flabby, and I’ll lose my abs, and I won’t be able to train because I’m too busy drinking soda because it’s addicting, and in the end, I’ll be in the middle of a fight and I’ll get stabbed, while drinking a coke.”

I rolled my eyes and took his hand into mine, “my dear, that won’t happen. Now, you are going to get a soda and drink it. And that is final.”

Alec sighed and faked defeat, “fine, I’ll drink my soda.”

Slag came out with our drinks and we ordered our food next. I got pasta with chicken in it and Alec got a salad with a burger too fancy to exist.

“Hey, Magnus,” Alec said as he sipped on his coke, “Because I’m drinking this for you, I know you know that I get to top tonight.” He ended with a wink and I was left blushing and not being able to form a coherent sentence.

“Oh Alec, I thought this would have been a cuddly sort of night...but if you insist…” I said once I regained my composure, then Alec begins to blush and stutter, serves him right too.

I was about to say something else to make him blush even more when Slag came back with our food, warlocks are fast cooks.

“Your pasta,” he handed me my plate and turned to Alec, “and your burger and salad,” He winked and I shot him another glare. “Oh, Magnus, you know I’m just playing around.”

I let out a deep throated growl, “I would appreciate it if you didn’t though, Alec is mine and mine only.”

Slag had shock written all over his face, “you, Magnus Bane, having someone who’s just yours?” He slapped a hand over his heart, “never have I thought I’d see this day!” And with that, he left us to eat.

Alec and I sat in silence while we ate, throwing the occasional smirk towards one another, and our legs stayed tangled together under the table the whole time. Alec finished eating a little bit before I did and then waited for me. Slag brought us the bill and I paid it, along with promising him that I would text him later while we were on our way out.

“So Magnus, is Slag is old friend or…?” Alec asked me quietly as we walked down the street back to my place.

“Oh, I met him when I was about two or three-hundred, which is pretty young for a warlock I might add,” I locked my hand with Alec’s as I began to explain, we had agreed that I would begin to open up to him more and share my past because when I looked from his point of view I realized just how much it hurt him when I kept things from him.

“And no, we didn’t have any sort of relationship beyond being friends. And plus he’s just like the annoying friend that never goes away and half the time you won’t admit it, but you don’t want them to leave,”

Alec smiled, “well that’s good, because I don’t want to have to kill someone for stealing my man.”

“You’re just too cute!” I cooed as we walked into my apartment.

Alec looked down and blushed while I went into the bedroom to get dressed for bed, Alec not too far behind me. After we were dressed, we settled on the couch and began to watch Alec’s favorite mundane movie, though he won’t admit it out loud. We were getting to the middle of the movie when I heard Alec softly singing along to the song.

“You’re the one that I want.”

I chuckled and decided to join in with him, “Oo-Oooo.”

He turned to look at me, a huge smile plastered onto his beautiful face. “The one that I want, oh yes indeed,”

“Hey Alec, guess what.” I said softly.

“What?” He asked back in the same quiet tone.

I leaned down to his ear, pulled him close, and whispered, “You’re the one that I want.”


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