Epilogue: Magnus' P.O.V

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I stared at the wonderful man in front of me, he was wearing a black tux with a blue tie and he looked perfect standing there.

“Do you, Magnus Bane, take this man, Alexander Lightwood, to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?” I heard the priest say in the background.

“I do,” I heard myself say, fully confidence in my voice. The priest repeated the same thing to Alec.

Alec’s eyes were sparkling with life when he said the two words that made me fully, and wholly complete. “I do.”

“Then I now pronounce you Mr. Alec Lightwood-Bane and Mr. Magnus Lightwood-Bane, you may kiss your groom,” the priest said.

Alec grabbed me by the white, rhinestone covered jacket of my suit and pulled me close to him. Our lips met and I still felt the tingles run through my body and butterflies in my stomach. He pulled away as not to kiss me too long. He hooked my arm with his and we looked out to the people who were at our beach wedding, my choice of course.

Applause went up all around and Izzy, Simon, Clary, and yes, even the blonde, Jace was there, we had put them in the front row and Izzy looked the most excited. She and I, along with Clary, planned the wedding from top to bottom. Having me wear a white tux in place of a white dress seemed appropriate. And because black just isn’t my color.

I laughed when we sat down because I heard Clary telling the story of Alec first looking at my outfit.

“He had this sad look on his face and he was mumbling about how white the color of mourning and me and Izzy is busted out laughing. But we can’t blame him; he didn’t know that we were mixing mundane and shadowhunter themes together in the wedding. We spent an hour explaining to him how mundane weddings work; it was hilarious the way his face lit up at the thought of the cake Magnus had chosen.” Clary and Izzy were doubled laughing by time they finished and Alec was blushing.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. No matter what he did he was just too adorable. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers, then gets our hands on top of the table. Just that small gesture meant a lot to me, it showed that he wasn’t afraid to show off we were together. It was August and the breeze was holding off some of the heat, it was a perfect day if I say so myself. “Can we have cake yet?” Alec whispered into my ear. I nodded my head and laughed lightly.

Alec stood up, the look of a schoolboy on his face “Hey everyone!” he shouted. Everyone who was there shut up and looked at him with an amused expression. The only thing Alec had wanted to change about the wedding was the clinking of glasses and some other things. He couldn’t handle too much formality, he had told me one night when we were lost in endless pillow talk. “Time for cake!” he shouted out again. I stood up and took his hand, we ran to the cake, trying to beat everyone. I may be over eight hundred years old but I still like acting like a child. Apparently my new husband thought so too.

I took the knife and cut the cake, Alec started handing it out to everyone, me and him getting ours last. I took the piece of cake with my hands and went to go feed it to Alec, his arm was crisscrossed with mine as he had the same idea and we ended up shoving cake in each other’s face, I made sure to smear it around his face while he took some of the icing clumped on my cheek and made me a moustache with it. I grinned at my work and he laughed at his, we turned around and took pictures then I puckered my lips. Alec shook his head no, unable to form words from all the laughing. I moved towards him and he backed up, I pounced and wrapped him in my arms, he tried to push my off, screaming ‘no’ at me. Too late, I kissed him full on the lips and he kissed me back, the icing on your faces mixing even more making a whole new color.

“I love you” I whispered in his ear as I pulled away from our kiss.

Alec licked his lips and whispered back to me “I love you too.”

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