Chapter 3

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     I walked out of the house and headed to the bridge. When I got there, it was no surprise that Kakashi was late. I walked to the edge of the bridge and leaned over the railing. The water was so pretty and I could see fish swimming freely, not a care in the world. I smiled and felt eyes on me, looking over to see Sasuke peeking at me from the corner of his eye. He looked away once I looked at him and I gave him a confused look before shaking it off and looking back over the railing. "Hey guys, good morning. Sorry I'm late, I just got lost on the path of life." I chuckled as Sakura and Naruto yelled at him. Naruto started going off about a real mission and Kakashi had to calm him down. He turned around and glared at Sasuke, a smile eventually forming on his lips. He's day dreaming! "Believe it!" I sighed. Come on Naruto!

     First, we pulled weeds out for the farmer lady and Naruto accidentally picked all the special herbs in an attempt to beat Sasuke. The farmer lady beat him to a bloody pulp. Then, we were picking up trash in the river and he was swept up by the current and Sasuke had to save him. Lastly, we were walking dogs and Naruto, of course, picked the largest dog, resulting in him being blown to bits.  We were walking when Naruto started yelling at Sasuke and Sakura had to stop him. I sighed. Our team work is terrible! "Alright guys, you can beat each other later. I have to go file a report on this mission!" Sasuke walked away and Sakura followed. I turned to Naruto. "I'm going to go relax so I'll see you later!" I jumped away, heading for Mai's tree. Right when I got there, my eyes turned gold and I had a vision.

      Guy in a cat suit holding Konohomaru by the shirt.

     I was happy that there was little pain but I didn't have time to think about that as I ran back to where Naruto was. I got there just in time to see the guy move his fingers, making Naruto fall. "Your a leaf genin too. Looks like your village is fool of wimps!" Eye twitch. I appeared in front of him, grabbing the wrist holding Konohomaru. "Looks can be deceiving. Now let him go!" I said in a dead serious tone. He smirked, looking me up and down. "Alright, no need to get snippy!" He dropped him and Konohomaru scrambled away. He used his other hand to grab my wrist, pulling me to him and I wanted to gag at the sudden closeness. "Aren't you a cutie!" I glared at him and kicked him where the sun don't shine, making him let go of me. "Why you!" He tried to hit me but I easily dodged it and punched him right in the face, sending him flying back. I hadn't noticed the blond haired girl with pig tails until she yelled at me. "Hey! What the heck is wrong with you!?" I gave her a look, making her shut up. The other guy got up, glaring at me and I glared right back. "Who do you think you are? Coming into our village and picking on one of our academy students? Are you that weak that you have to pick on a little kid?" He growled and reached for something behind his back. "What, your gonna use the crow for this?" When he had the crow in his hand, a rock came out of no where and hit it, making him let go of it. I looked up into the tree to see Sasuke sitting there and he smirked at me. "Nice job Moriko." I nodded and he looked back to the cat guy. "Your a long way from home and way out of your league!" Sakura screamed and the blond girl with four pig tails blushed. Oh great, another fan girl. Sasuke crushed the stone in his hand, letting the dust fall. "Get lost." The guy glared. "Hey punk, come down here! Your the kind of pesky little snot I hate the most. All attitude and nothing to back it up!" I chuckled. "Says the guy who just got his butt kicked." He glared at me and was about to throw a punch when he was interrupted. "Kankuro, back off!" I looked up to see a kid with deep red hair and sky blue eyes. When did he get there? I didn't even notice him. By the look on Sasuke's face, I'd say he didn't either. "Your an embarrassment to our village." Well, not so nice are we? "Oh hey there Gaara." He sounded scared. I looked back at Gaara to find him staring at me. "Have you forgotten the reason that were here?" His tone was emotionless, his eyes cold. "Well, you see, they challenged us first. Here's what happ-" Gaara cut him off. "Shut up, or I'll kill you." Isn't he a ray of sunshine! "Oh your right, I was way out of line." Wow, is this guy really that scary? He looked at me again. "I'm sorry for any trouble he caused you." I waved it off. "It's fine, it's nothing." He just kept looking at me and I was getting uncomfortable.

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