♪Chapter 3 : Man this girl really knows how to scare the crap out of people

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Chapter 3 : Man this girl really knows how to scare the crap out of people.

° Emerald's POV °

    "Emerald!" Everyone clapped and cheered while I stared at Tyler bewildered.

    "Seriously?" He just pout at me and hugged me "Aww, come on. Your the only one who's voice is beautiful!"

    Tyler had just announced who'll be playing the Princess and the Pauper. The Pauper is him, and the Princess is me. But I'm not complaining Tyler being the Pauper, from all the boys his voice is amazing. It's just being the lead is so much stress.

    "Why not Gabriella?" I looked up at him with puppy eyes.

    Tyler is like a brother to me, while Gab is like, well, a mother. Though she's being stupid 24/7 she's looking out for me.

    "That's not gonna work on me anymore cupcake." He ruffled my hair.

    "Hmp." I again pout letting him know how grumpy I am.

    "I'm gonna go get the microphone. Stay put and don't try to burn the stage, kay?" I couldn't help but laugh.

    Admiring the student's decorations,  I seat down on the large speaker.

    "Sup girlfriend!?" Gab took a seat next to me, hugging my side.

    "So do you like your part?" She whispered.

    "Not really, how about you, What's your part?" I whispered back returning her side hug.

    "I got the part of being your mother." She's still whispering.

    "That's good." Still whispering, I tighten my hug while closing my eyes.

    "You do know you and Tyler have a kissing scene?" She whispered.

    I widened my eyes, surprised that me and Tyler have that scene.

    "What are you guys talking about?" Tyler's voice whispered. I hadn't realize he was hugging us.

    "Oh, nothing." Gab said like she's hiding something. Tyler just raised his eyebrows at her.

    "Well, enjoyyourkisslaterTyler!" I stared at, confusion written all over my face.

    I faced a flushed Tyler, giggling I poked his cheeks "You look like a tomato." He rolled his eyes but chuckled.

    We finished memorizing the script just in time to practice the song.

    "We'll do it all, everything, on our own,

    we don't need, anything, or anyone.

    If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?-"

    Gabriella smashed her hands on the piano along with her head.

    Man this girl really knows how to scare the crap out of people.

    "What's wrong?" Tyler shakes her shoulders.

    "I can't read the notes right. This is more complicated than playing the other instruments." She whined.

    "Geez, you could've have just told us." Tyler brushed his hair.

    I pat her hair "You did good though."

    I kinda envy Gabriella for her unique talents. She can sing and play instruments like violin, drums, and guitar. Well, she's getting into the whole piano thing now.

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