♪Chapter 9 : What the actual fuck

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♪Chapter 9 : What the actual fuck

° Emerald's POV °

"Stop!" A voice shouted from the other side causing all the audience as well as me and Tyler.

As I whipped my face to the side, there I see, a guy with black long button up sleeve, with black khakis, a black hat, a black mask and a black cape. In his right hand his holding a long thin sword, pointing it to Tyler.

"What the actual fuck." I her Tyler mutter.

I too, was confused. There wasn't a part about this. It only says that Tyler confesses his love to me and we kiss.

I look at other who where behind the curtains, they didn't know what to do but they're signaling us to just go on.

Tyler stands up blocking my vies to him, "Who are you to speak?" He draws out his sword and readied.

They guy smirked at him. His eyes quickly flick to mine and back to Tyler. They way his smirk and eyes were so familiar. But I couldn't put my finger to it.

"A man who is madly in love it is. You have no heart for this fairly maiden." He spats back.

"You don't know anything! I would give up everything just for her to understand how I truly feel." The way Tyler's tone makes me a bit suspicious.

"Oh yeah? But guess what, I would give up my life just for her to live." All the crowds said 'Ohh.'.

The guy's words made the hair on my skin stand.

His voice. But no.

Even though it was the most simplest sentence, it had millions of reasons that made me wonder.

Tyler didn't know what to say, but instead he dashed for the guy and almost slashed him. With a fake sword his holding that is.

The guy blocked it with his sword and managed to push Tyler away from him.

Just by the looks of it Tyler was losing. When the guy did some sword trick it caused Tyler's sword to sent flying away.

The room was drop dead silent.

Sam signaled Tyler to just leave, but Tyler stayed alittle longer, refusing him to be with me. After a long death stare from each other. Tyler left, leaving me and the guy.

He turned to me, and I saw his eyes sparkle with delight. He held out his hand, asking for my permission to take it.

I looked at his hand and back at him. I gently placed my hand on his palm. He slowly pulled me closer to him. Then I hear the piano.

We slowly swayed then, the most shocking thing to me was when he sang, the first thing that popped to my mind was him.

But, if his here, how, I mean. No. But..

"It's just another night,

And I'm staring at the moon,

I saw a shooting star,

And thought of you,

I sang a lullaby,

By the waterside and knew

If you were here,

I'd sing to you

You're on the other side

As the skyline splits in two

I'm miles away from seeing you

I can see the stars from America

I wonder, do you see them, too?

So open your eyes and see

The way our horizons meet

And all of the lights will lead

Into the night with me

And I know these scars will bleed

But both of our hearts believe

All of these stars will guide us home."

There was a 50, 50 chance in me that's him. But that's impossible.

I can hear the crowds cheer in pure satisfaction. But I was lost in his eyes.

As he leaned in, the crowds grew louder and louder until his lips met mine.

His lips was soft, I wanted to continue but he pulled away.

"You'll know soon." He whispered. Just as when I was going to react the lights went off. Causing screams to erupt. I couldn't help but move out of my place.

When I touched a wall the lights went on. I'm already begin the curtains as if as planned. I look back to the stage to see it only empty. I was beginning to grow even more confused.

"Emerald!" I see Tyler and Chris approaching me.

"Are you okay?" Chris was the first who asked. I only nod.

Now I'm sure as hell confused than a cat.

If Chris is here, who was that?


You hear that? That's my evil laugh.


Who do you thinks the mystery guy? :D


*whispers* You'll know soon. 'u'


All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran

PleaseVoteCommenton how was it! :D

Take the heart though,

( › ' -')›♥

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