Chapter One

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~Traveller's POV~

The slow swaying of the boat was very calming. The blue sky reflecting off the beautiful blue ocean made for a beautiful view. It all put me into a very calm state. I enjoyed the ocean and the smell of the salty water. I enjoyed being on the ship, on the pirate ship.

I stood out from the rest of the crew because I was a woman. I was the only woman on the ship and by far the most fearsome crew mate of them all. I had risen from the lowest of low ranks, a swabby, but now I stand proudly on the top deck with my hand on the helm as first mate aboard the Hades Trinity.

The Trinity was a commandeered British merchant ship, beaten to bits but would still destroy any enemy in her path. She had been fitted to now support 16 guns and still couldn't be out run by the British. Under the watchful eye of Captain Vinson Hayden better known as Captain Black eyes because of the stare he gives the unfortunate soul before puncturing their chest with his rusty sword, and I, his first mate Mary de Beaujoy, we have never lost a battle at sea. We have been sailing the Caribbean seas together for only a few months now but I was able to win his trust fast and win my spot as first mate.

"Lower da black sails, I wanna feel da sea breeze on m'face t'day," I blurted out from the helm. I liked to go fast on the open ocean. I liked to see the crystal blue water fly by underneath the fearsome ship. I liked to display my power to my enemies and my crew. I would not let them push me around just because I was a woman.

Reaching around my waist as Black eyes did every time he could and leaning in towards my ear and whispering in a soft tone only I could hear "Is that right, kaché?"

He liked to call me Kaché because when I boarded the boat I was dressed as a man. I had done my research before and I knew that my best chance of survival was dressed as a man. Kaché meant hidden in the native language of one of the islands. Black eyes was born on this island, he was not British like most of his crew. He had darker skin, not quite as dark as the slaves but like coffee with a little cream in it.

"Aye, capt'n," Abrutly moving the wheel to catch the sails in the wind and to catch him off guard. It was successful, he stumbled to the side and I was free from his hold.

"Where we headin' kaché?"

Black eyes was intimidating to anybody who saw him. He was tall, dark and muscular. It wasn't so much his looks that made him intimidating but more so his reputation for being ruthless. He didn't hesitate one bit before slicing some poor souls throat or leaving someone for dead on deserted island. I was scared at first when I first boarded his ship.

"Where ever the wind takes da ship, capt'n. I just wanna feel da speed of m'ship, feel da wind on m'face. If we run into some sea scum or some damn red coats then we will do what we do best, what the Trinity does best and destroy 'em," stirring the ship once again in the opposite direction, I watched as my crew men stumbled and fell about on the deck.

"Your ship now, huh?" Black eyes laughed and reached over my shoulder to grab a hold of the wheel. He placed his large hand over my smaller one and wrapped his other free hand around my waist again.

We sailed in this manner for quite some time in no particular direction but always keeping the shore insight for guidance. Our black sails flew high and could be noticed from quite a distance at sea. They attracted attention from certain folk and made other sail in the opposite direction.

"White sails, dead ahead!" I heard from below. I looked up and saw the white sails, the white sails of a British ship heading straight for the Trinity.

"Ready the guns, we have another victim" Black eyes called from behind me. I turned the ship slightly to the left to catch the wind perfectly and speed towards the British ship. We quickly approached and Black eyes continued to call out orders to the crewmen and the gunners. As we came within range I turned the ship rapidly to the side, so the guns would face the other ship.

"Steady... not yet..." the gunners were waiting patiently for Black eyes to make the call. He was waiting for the right moment to fire, the perfect moment when the other ship would receive most damage. "Hold they're tuning, hold... FIRE!" he called out and suddenly the deafening sound of 7 canons all firing at once. All but 2 hit their mark, sending water, wood and sailors in all directions. That did not make the British Captain bat an eyelash. He fired back without hesitation. The shot did damage and knocked me from the helm. I fell to the floor and slide to the lurching side.

"Fire at will, take the bastards down. Kaché take us closer to those slimy red coats," I obeyed his orders and returned to the helm. I could not let us loose to the British, Black eyes would be disappointed. I brought the ship as close as I could and held it steady. At close range our canons could not be beat. They continued to fire upon the other ship and eventually the British captain spoke the cease fire command to his sailors.

"Get yer weapons, we are boardin' the British bastards," I quickly grabbed my sword that had fallen out during our first hit and followed Black eyes' command. Stepping down from the upper deck, I noticed the damage the Trinity had sustained. Her mast was missing a piece from the side and the deck was littered with several broken boards.

I caught a swinging rope and grabbed onto it tight and swung over to the other ship. My swing was cut short when my rope suddenly dropped, and I barely caught the edge of the enemy ship. A sword swung down next to my hand and nearly severed a few fingers. I was struggling to climb up over the railing, but another blow made me loose my grip. I looked down below me then back up towards the sailor and smiled. Releasing my grip from the railing I fall a few feet to rest on a canon sticking out from the side. I was safe from the sword swinging sailor, but I was still stuck on the outside of the ship. I straddle the canon and looked inside the small opening that was left. The space was too small for me to fit. The only other option was to push the canon inside. I placed my feet on either side of the spaces on the bottom of the canon opening and pushed with all my strength on the canon muzzle, the canon was slightly larger then the ones we had on the Trinity. It did not budge. Suddenly I heard footstep coming towards the canon.

"There you are pirate lady. You thought you could escape the judgement of the crown," the sailor said. The same red coat sailor that was swinging his sword and trying to kill me on the rail, this time he was not holding a sword, but his musket aimed right at my chest. "This musket will be the last thing you ever see in this life. You have no where to go now," he taunted. He was right, that this was the last thing I was going to see in this life, but I had somewhere to go. I reached down into my corset and pulled out the ring on the necklace. The ring that would save me.

"Wow. This time period is so crazy. You are all so savage. So peace out... you bloody bastard," I slipped the ring on my finger and everything kept getting brighter and I could no longer see the canon, the sailor or even the ship. A feeling of weightlessness suddenly over took my and I could feel my mind slipping into darkness until I could no longer see or feel anything.


I apologize for the short chapter. I will hopefully extend it and the following chapters will be longer.

Thank you for reading! (please continue)

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