Chapter 17

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《10 Minutes Before》

Felix's P.O.V
"Who are you.....come into the light so i can see you better...." I said calmly, motioning for him to step closer. He smiled as he stepped into the sunlight shineing through the window, the boy had blonde hair which fell over to one side of his face, his eyes a crimson blood red. I couldn't help feel a bit afraid, i mean if my feeling was right.....i wouldn't leave this room alive. "What do you want?" I asked the boy, standing firm and trying not to look afraid. The boy smiled at me his anger unwavering as he lunged at my neck gripping it with his hands strangling my neck. I struggled under his power, he was much stronger then i was by a long shot, but that doesn't mean i was going to just let him kill me! I delivered a kick to his stomach, causing him to let go of my neck. I gasp for air, coughing as i did. The biy looked up at me, his eyes piercing through my soul, " did this to him.....!" He said under his breath as he lunged at me onve again....who was this guy?! I looked around grabing the closest thing to me to defend myself with, which was a chair. I quickly swung the chair down on to his head knocking him to the ground. His body quickly hit the floor in a heap, his head bleeding from a new wound that had been placed there. I sighed turning around as i headed for the door. As i was about to grab the door handle i felt something pierce my neck, it was a sharp sudden was a needle. I quickly tried to get the needle away from my neck but it was to late, the liquid inside had already been injected into it. Instantly i started to feel effects of something, i was having trouble breathing, my limbs felt heavy, my eye lids felt heavy but i knew i had to flee. With out even noticing however, the boy had managed to get a belt around my neck griping it tightly. I struggled trying once again to get free, only this time was the last. My limbs soon became to heavy to move and my eyes had shut completely and my breathing had stopped. My conscious started to leave soon after, this was the end......i felt a wave of relief wash over me as i relized that i would be ok......i had done the right thing. My last thoughts ran threw my head as i lost the remainder of my air, causing me to fall silent.

Cuphead's P.O.V
I didnt have much time until oswald would be back, so i quickly fased my belt around my waist as i pulled some rope put of my bag tying it into a nuse, i couldn't let the police think that someone murdered him now could i~? After tying the nuse i threw the remaining rope over the cross beam holding up the roof, the nuse was put around felix's neck, marks already appearing on his neck from the belt before after hoisting the rope up i tied it to the beam. My work here was done, as i went for the door i heard voices in the hallway coming towards the door! "Crap....." i muttered under my breath, was this his plan?! Had he noticed that i had been following him for a while?! Anyway nows not the time to think about that, I half to get out of here! I dash over to the window and looked out of it. It was a long way down. But i had to take that chance, i quickly climbed onto the window sill and jumped from it, just in time to hear someone scream. Well played Mr.Cat.......Well played indeed~

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