Chapter 22

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Oswald's  P.O.V
As we were running to the school front i couldn't help but look at the body that i was now carrying. The boy lookes almost dead, his body felt cold, his skin was pale bit he still had a pulse, so i guess he was alive......sort of? I looked over at bendy who was behind me due to his hurt leg, but i waa impressed that he was running at all. We finally made it to the school front, were we found the police and ambulances still there. I rushed over to one of the officers and tugged on her shirt, she looked down at me and gasped. She then quickly pulles iut her radio, calling for the medical team  for help. They arived in under a minute quickly tending to the bleeding boy, we all stood back watching......i looked down at my shirt, it was covered in the boys blood, i couldn't help but think about felix in that moment.....i wobbled a bit on my feet holding my arms out to steady myself. It had been a long day and now it was going to be even longer......

Bendy's P.O.V
Since the Medical team was here i ask ome of the people who weren't doing anything if they could remove my cast around my ankel, they nodded as they got ready to remove it......after it was removed it felt much better i could finally walk normal again! I smiled thanking her before turning to look at my brother and oswald. The medical had covered them in blankets, i think it had something to do with shock? Or something like that. I carefully sat down next to them, and together we all waited in complete silence.

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