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The whole team went back to the hotel where we were staying. Our supervisor took us out to eat and discussed tomorrow's plans. My head was pounding and felt like vomiting ever since I landed on this damn continent. Maybe I'm just nervous about this whole exhibition thing. Never thought I was gonna have exhibit in L.A.

But it's enough to take the life out of me and make me wanna sleep all day. And in these situations I don't mix well with heat and standing. I had to do both the whole day though. I was trying to decide if I should just lie down on the ground and pretend I fainted just so I can rest.

I didn't think it will be this hot, especially inside.

I somehow managed to make it back to the hotel fine but I was at the end of my powers. I need alone time...and fresh air...somewhere far away from people. If I hear another sound of any kind it will make my nausea and headache worse. I need silence.

When we got back the others decided to come over to hang out in our room. They were all chatting, playing cards and whatnot. I went out onto the balcony in hopes that it would be quieter, but they kept on coming out for one reason or another.

Izzy must've seen me looking sick and came out too.

'You look pretty bad. You ok?' Izzy asked. I knew she was concerned but I was in no mood to talk, no matter who it was.

'Well, I felt like vomiting all day and I felt like there are knives stabbing my skull and an atomic bomb blowing up in it, all at the same time. But yeah, I'm feeling wonderful tonight.' well that was harsh, but I just wasn't able to control my tone anymore.

'Ooooooookaaay ... I'll just leave you then. I see that you're jumpy today.' Izzy left after knowing that in this state she can't get anything past my mood.

'Thanks. I need peace.'

Well, actually. It would be great to talk to someone right now. The dark side came out to play again from the inside and the thoughts are just eating me alive. It's been a while since I had them. Guess that it has been too quiet without them.

-Well shit. – I sighted. Life just won't leave me alone. Why would it?

I sat up and left the room. I tried to be as subtle as possible so there won't be questions asked. I went to the rooftop. Ever since we got here I was wondering how the city looks from up there. Actually, I will make it my safe place. As I was going there I started getting this liberating feeling. As soon as I got there I sat down and leaned my back against a wall. The world would go black if I stand 3 more seconds. This nausea is killing me right now. I can't even sleep when I'm like this.

I exhaled loudly and tried not to think about the war my intestines were having. The view is amazing from here. The silence is amazing. A city scape is the best at night. Everything is peaceful. Except my head. And stomach. I'm getting sick like this pretty often nowadays, I don't think it's normal anymore. I should get checked or something.

The weather was surprisingly warm and pleasant too.

I guess I was deep in thought when I sigh and close my eyes.

'Oh Jesus...' I said almost whispered

'You know, if you think about it, Jesus doesn't even exist. So don't ask him for help. You'll be disappointed.'

I froze for a second. I even forgot that I was sick. That caught me off-guard. When did he get here?

'I know, but it just went into my vocabulary. It's a habit. Can't change it. It sounds more melodical. It gets the message through. It's probably not valid cause I'm not about that life but whatever...' I said irritated. Who does he think he is just casually coming here and nosing in my business?

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