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Dates: This will help your understanding with this book. .It says in between which episodes and season the story is set in. This will be under the authors note written in bold italics. For example it could say: Dr Who season 5 in between episodes 7 and 8 or Sherlock season 2 episode 3 for if I decide to set it in the middle of an episode.

Glossary: At the end of each story there will be a glossary written in bold explaining stuff, like monsters, gods, back stories, references that characters make to different shows/books that you may not get etc. If you want to properly understand the story I suggest you read these as they will give you greater knowledge and knowledge is power.

Although this is technically a fan fiction, It isn't about the characters from the shows. This is about a girl I have created who is not technically normal, who doesn't fit in with her life and family. This is about her finding out the meaning of family, love and sacrifice. I know when I find a book that has my favourite fictional characters and has an added character I tend to not like them, so think of this as not a book about our favourite fictional characters but about a girl, like any book you pick up in a book store, with added fictional people you already know and like/dislike for entertainment. You don't even have to be in the Superwholock fandom as everything is explained and other fandoms are mentioned. I'm considering putting up parts that are completely normal (no aliens or demons or crimes) but it depends on how boring they turn out to be. After all this is The Story of Katherine Roslind.

Pretty much this is a book made up of many little books. Each chapter is made up of a new adventure, which are all kinda connected, like episodes. I have planned most of the overall plot and stories up so mostly they will go in chronological order. However if I think of a story that should happen in 2007 and it is 2012 (in the book) I will put it in and just say it is set in 2007. I know that probably sounded really confusing but it will be clearer once you actually see it for yourself. Just pay attention to the dates at the beginning of each chapter and you'll be fine.

In this there will be no ships that are not canon so sorry to anyone who wants some Destiel, Johnlock etc. Also Kat won't be falling in love with the Doctor or one of the Winchesters or Sherlock or anyone so yeah. This is not a romance novel and if you want smut then (in the nicest way possible) go read a different book.

Generally there will be no swearing and such but really how am I supposed to write a story with Dean in it and include no swearing?

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone that is in any TV show or book that is mentioned in this book. I do own Katherine Roslind and the plot lines of most of the stories but not all (it says on each chapter if it is an already made plot line or mine or a little of both)

Thank you all so much for putting up with this boring, but important, page and for reading the book, you don't understand how much it means to me,  love you all.


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