OverProtective! Parents! Dice X Devil X Teen! Reader

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Requested by crunchycat123
Hope u like it! :3

You Always wore Seventeen Layers in the winter time...and you always wore
Long Sleeves and pants in the summer no matter how hot it was Your parents, Dice and The Devil, wanted to make sure no (Boys/girls) and cold to touch Little (y/n).

You're Like Fifteen or so... And they still treat you like a Five year old
"No (y/n). Let daddy Make dinner. No (y/n) let dad Pick your clothes. Don't stay up past Seven."
Things like that.
It's annoying really. But they're your parent's and obeying is something you need to go by if you want a happy life.
Time skip...

It's 3:30 and You are walking home. One of the few privlages you have been allowed other than raised cerfew on Weekends to 9.
Yeah... You carried your Bag on one of your shoulders and and carried a (duffle bag or an instrument case) on your other shoulder.
You smiled all the way home after making plans with a certain person to come over.

At home...
Dice was trying out new shades of Colors for his nails while the Devil was sitting on his chair reading the newspaper while smoking a cigar.

"Oh Darling! This Violet is so pretty what do you think?" Dice smiles showing His husband
"Eh." He rolls his eyes. "What's wrong with the other violet?" He muttered
"Well that one was sparkled paint. This is shimmering paint."
"I don't get you people with this shit."
He crosses his leg other the other and flips to the next section to the newspaper.
"I think there is a huge difference."
He mutters
The front door opens and a smiling (y/n) pops in
"Why hello (y/n)!"
"Hey Dad. Hey Fur Dad."
You smiled in excitement.
"What's all the fuss?" Devil asks
"Oh nothing...."you blush.
"Oh! Is it a surprise?" Dice asks in the gayest way possible.
"You'll know when they arrive." You start to walk away.

"They?" Your parents say shocked.
"Someone coming over?" Devil asks
"Yep."  You respond from the kitchen
"Oh! It's that little friend of yours is it? Uh (f/n)?" Dice says
"Nope." You stuff your mouth with a sandwich.

The doorbell rings

Devil and Dice look at eachother and rush to the door before anyone could say another word.
Dice looks through the glass window behind the curtain and there. was  a boy/girl outside the house.

devil opens the door as (y/n) walks over

"who are you." the Dicel asks to the small boy/girl standing on the door step in a stern voice. they nervously respond "i'm (f/n). is (y/n) here?"

"hi (f/n)" you wave from the inside of the house.

"daddy. dad. this is (f/n). he's/she's a friend from school you've never met before and i'd like to keep it that way.

"nice to meet you!." they say as you drag them away

Dice looks at Devil crossed arms

"what? we were kids once too."

"i guess. but"

"but nothing

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