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i'll just be blunt. sorry for not updating, basically i've been stressed to the absolute maximum because i failed all my prelims and i'm just in a really negative state of mind with schooling and life in general etc.


*deep breath*

i'm also kinda lost for ideas on what to write now that junhyeok is back....any suggestions??

also - i just had an idea for a day6 fanfic but i want to know what ship it should be? i'll explain: *jae voice* so, you know those 'fbi agent who monitors me through my laptop' meme things.....what if the agent assigned to you fell in love with you? (this is a crazy idea - deadass thought of it 3 minutes ago - i swear i'm not drunk or high)

what i thought of as like the blurb of it would be "holy shit sungjin look, they're having another mental breakdown again!"

i'd probably make this a romance/crack(ish) story. maybe the members in university (so the laptop thing would work as they'd be on it a lot??)

but i'd like to get your opinions on it - would you guys like to read something like this and if so, what ship would you like to see?

i'd like to include all members in it regardless on who the majority would like to see fyi.

idk about this, this idea just came to me right now, please let me know!

for reference, this is the post that inspired me tbh

for reference, this is the post that inspired me tbh

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stay safe and healthy
megan :)

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