a whole mess (+get to know me??)

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how are you all?

apologies for not updating, the end of term is nigh, that means teachers are throwing unit assessments at us left, right and centre!

therefore, i've been busy and stressed (higher french will be the death of me istg)

i've been working on chapters which may be going up either this week or next (depending if i'm still alive)

thoughts on day6's japanese debut??
(I CRIED) (also bc trains trigger me)

story time!!! (that no one cares about)

i went to my first ever party!!

moral of the story,
don't drink alcohol....ever....

here's me at said party:

i had a hangover the next day 👌👌

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i had a hangover the next day 👌👌

anyways here's a tag because i want to do a tag??

-anyways here's a tag because i want to do a tag??

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1. i think it was hyuna - ice cream bc she was in gangnam style? but i also listened to snsd - i got a boy, but bts - dope really got me into kpop

2. i saw a book of bts imagines on wattpad (idk why i read it) and i looked them up and here i am

3. yeri - red velvet

4. v - bts

5. bts (i don't stan anymore lol) and red velvet (i love my girls)

6. my friends and i know the dances to orange caramel's entire discography (it works well be there's three of us lol)

7. day6 and snsd and 4minute

8. might have been the first reality show bts did?? they were in an elevator???

9. snsd isn't my bias group but they're just us h strong and empowering women that have inspired so many young girls (and guys too probably) - they're just incredible!

10. it was either day6's "daydream" album or a sweatshirt from shinee world iv in seoul with key's name on the back (google it)

11. i was more studious and concentrated and didn't daydream as much

12. i don't study, i have no concentration and all i do is daydream and cry over comebacks

- i tag everyone who reads this!!

random question: but does anyone stan why don't we?

hope you enjoyed reading this shitty authors note!! i'm procrastinating from learning my french writing, in which i have an assessment for it tomorrow!! i'm gonna fail french!!

hope you all have a wonderful day/night!! love you all!!

- meban

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