Part I

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[Hello everybody, WaddleDaisy here. I have created a Madoka Magica fanfiction, since it is now my favorite anime of all time currently. Also, you had to at least watch the Madoka Magica anime, because if not you will be majorly spoiled on what happened in it. I hope you enjoy!] 

Was that contract really necessary? 

My name is Maru Okano, a first year student at Mitakihara Middle School. I only started the term about 5 weeks ago, and yet I still put some distance between me and the students. I'm currently sitting in class, the last class for the day at that, so that's good at least. I then push my purple hair back, since I am currently working on my Maths work, it can really be a pain you know. Hmm.. the Hypothesis..? Trigonometry can really be a pain in the butt. Eventually after 10 minutes, the bell rings for the end of school, I then pick up my bag and start to head out the room as I sigh. 

Keeping myself distanced is what I have to do, I figured out that I have horrible bad luck. And it's not inflicted on me, it's inflicted on others, if anyone gets close to me they get a cold the next day. While if I stay close to somebody, it's completely different than a cold, I had a friend, her name was Yuko Modegi. About a week after she became friends with me, she got hit by a truck, she got paralyzed from the shoulders down. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I never met her, and then after that I told my friends that I couldn't be near them, they tried going near me still. So I raised my voice, and they were all scared, as I was scared as well, I didn't want my friends to get hurt. 

I sigh as I walk across the bridge of the river, and then I look up to see birds flying past me. I then stop and someone bumps the behind of me as my eyes widen as I look behind me. There was a tall girl, she had yellow hair and yellow eyes, she was wearing the same uniform as me. 
"Oh! I'm sorry!" The yellow haired girl said to me. 
"N-No, I should be the one that's sorry." I say trying to get away from the yellow haired girl she then grabs my arm as my eyes widen. 

"Are you okay?" The yellow haired girl asks. 
I try to pull my arm away from her as she turns me to her. 
"My name is Mami Tomoe, a third year student, you look like a first year." She smiled sweetly. 
"M-My name is Maru Okano, a first year." I say sighing. 
"Were you heading this way? This is the way I take to get to my apartment." Mami said smiling. 
"Yeah, do you go to the apartment down the road to the left?" I ask. 
"Sure do, are we neighbours?" Mami says smiling as we walk together. 
"Most likely." I say as we continue to walk. 

So this is the smart student, Mami Tomoe that I have heard of. Perhaps I should refer to her as Mami-senpai, she is a third year student after all, it wouldn't be strange. We then walk down the road together, as we pass a hospital. Mami's face expression changed the second we passed the bikes, then I look at her wondering what is wrong. 
"What's wrong?" I ask Mami. 
"...Damn Labrynth.." Mami sighs as a force is pushed onto us, I close my eyes in fear as I scream. I then open my eyes to see the world around me was no longer the hospital, I then look at Mami who is standing up and looking over to a creature. 

"W-What the hell is that..?" I ask myself as I shake in fear, the creature had red and blue coloring, and a witch hat on. Electricity was surrounding the both of us, all we could do was shake. Is this apart of my bad luck? Did I give this horrible fate to Mami? I then see a light enveloping from Mami as she smiled at me. 
"It's okay, I'll handle this." Mami said as her outfit changed, she was wearing a white top with a yellow ribbon on it. She was wearing a skirt and some boots, in her hands she was holding a silver musket with floral patterns on it. She was also wearing a hat on her head, I just continue to look at Mami, what the heck is she? 

"For you to drag in my new friend into this mess is a massive mistake in your life, Petana." Mami says as she aims up her musket, electricity whips were going after her as all I could do was stand there afraid. Mami.. please be careful... 

Mami starts to run ahead with her musket she then jumps high in the air as about 10 muskets are summoned from the air, I just look surprised. The guns each shot only one bullet each, then I see the creature yell in pain. Mami kept on dodging the creatures attacks, then I see a hand reach out to grab me, I couldn't react quickly enough. 
"K-Kyaa!" I say when I get grabbed. 
"Maru!" Mami says as she blasts at the arm, I continue to be in pain shaking. 

The creature's arm is then blasted off by Mami's guns, I look at Mami feeling grateful as I fell onto my feet as I hold my arm. Then I see Mami closing her eyes as a giant cannon appears in front of her, my eyes widen in surprise. 
"You dare, to hurt Maru, now it's time to finish you off! Tiro Finale!" Mami yells as a rocket comes from the cannon impaling the creature, then an explosion is heard as the creature then disappears. 

A small item was left behind, it kind of looked like the item Mami was holding when her outfit transformed, it's just a lot darker. Then I look at Mami as she picks up the item and walks towards me. The surrounding area is changed back into the side of the hospital as I look around, Mami's outfit was changed back to normal as I look at her. 
"Are you alright?" Mami asks. 
"Y-Yeah." I say quietly. 

"I know it's been a stressful afternoon, but come over to my apartment and I'll explain everything to you." Mami says as she smiles. 
"I have one question, what exactly are you?" I ask her. 
"I'm a Magical Girl." Mami says as she leads the way back to her house.

The Contract [Puella Madoka Magica Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now