Part II

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To be honest, I didn't expect Mami to have some of these strange powers, she called herself a Magical Girl. It kind of sounds like something from a Fairy Tale to be honest, we are currently walking to Mami's apartment. We arrive at the door as I stand behind Mami who opens it with her key, our apartments were right next to each other so that's good at least. 

We walk into her apartment, I was still shocked on what happened 10 minutes ago with that extremely weird creature. Mami went to walk into an extremely clean kitchen, she actually has time to clean hers, I just feel lazy with mine. I then sit down at the table, and look down at the table to see my reflection, I look like a mess. Then Mami walks over with a tea pot and some tea cups she hands me a tea cup as I kindly grab it from her as she pours tea in it, I then place it down in front of me. Mami pours a cup for herself as she sits the opposite side of me. 

Mami took a sip of her tea before she placed it down again looking at me, I then take a drink from my tea as I put it down looking at Mami as well. 
"You want to know more about us Magical Girls right?" Mami asks me. 
"Y-Yeah, it was just a big shock for that to happen out of nowhere." I say to her. 
"Witches do unexpected attacks, I'm sorry I dragged you all into this." Mami apologizes. 
"D-Don't worry about it! And what exactly are these witches?" I ask. 

"Witches are the beings that spread the seeds of disaster across the world. They conceal themselves in labyrinths, behind the barrier they created. Normal humans can't see them." Mami says holding her tea cup. 
"So, you Magical Girls fight these Witches?" I ask Mami. 
"Yes, it's in return for the wish we make with Kyubey." Mami responds. 
"Kyubey?" I ask as a white creature walks out of a room towards us, it looked like a cat and a squirrel mixed together. It has yellow rings around it's ears or something? 

"Speaking of Kyubey here he is." Mami smiles as the white creature goes to Mami's lap and sits on it, I just look at the creature in slight confusion. 
"So that's Kyubey?" I ask Mami. 
"That's right, I'm an Incubator who came across the universe. I grant the wishes of girls who in exchange become a magical girl and fight witches." Kyubey says to me, he must have used telepathy. 

"Do you remember what I picked up earlier? This is a witches egg, known as a Grief Seed." Mami says holding up the grief seed and then a gem in her other hand. 
"Grief Seed?" I ask. 
"Yes, my soul gem has gotten dull from fighting. We use Grief Seeds to take away all of the grief from our Soul Gems." Mami says holding the grief seed close to her soul gem, dark energy exits from the soul gem and entering into the grief seed. 
"You're right, it got brighter." I say to Mami looking at the soul gem. 

"So what's your name?" Kyubey asks me. 
"My name is Maru Okano, a First Year Student." I say to Kyubey. 
"There's an interesting aura about you." Kyubey says. 
"Aura?" I ask. 
Mami and I then take a sip of our tea as I place mine back down, it was a sweet flavor you could say. Mami then placed hers back down when she finished hers, she explained to me the rest of becoming a magical girl. When out of the blue... 

"Do you wish to become a magical girl?" Kyubey asks as I just look at him. 
"M-Me?" I say softly in a bit of a surprise. 
"Yes, you can help Mami fight off the witches, also I've noticed something about your aura." Kyubey says going up to me. 
"W-What's wrong with it?" I ask. 
"There is Grief in it, I've noticed that there is darkness." Kyubey says looking at me. 
"That's my bad luck." I say looking down. 

"Why don't you make a contract with me then?" Kyubey asks me. 
"I need some time to think about it." I say looking out the window looking at the city. 
"Take all the time you need." Mami smiles. 
I then see the time, it's 9:00pm. I better be heading to bed. 
"I'm gonna need to head back into my room." I say letting Kyubey off my lap as I stand up. 
"It was great talking to you." Mami said waving as I left the door. 

Being a Magical Girl eh? Would I really put my life on the line for a wish? I then start heading up the hall and use my key to open my own door, I then head in and drop my bag on the couch. Maybe I should have a warm bath and try to get my mind straight, then I turn on the faucet in the bathroom waiting for the bath to fill up with warm water. I then hop into the bath looking up, if I inflict bad luck on others, if I become a magical girl will that all change? I'll pretty much be changing everything, I'll be saving people instead of inflicting unnecessary stuff onto them. After about 10 minutes I get out of the bath and rinse out the water, I get myself dry as I get some pyjamas out to wear.

I then put them on as I lay in bed looking at the roof, I then reach my hand up with my eyes open. Then I go over to the curtains and look out the window, looking at all of the cars driving down the roads I then close the curtains and head back to bed. If I did become a magical girl, what would be that wish that I would use. Perhaps instead of bringing harm to people, I can give them good luck, I never really care about myself to be honest. I care more about other people than my own life.

The Contract [Puella Madoka Magica Fanfiction]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin