Part III

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My eyes open as I sit up, my hair was a mess, it's normal for me you can say. Every morning I wake up at 6:00am so I can get ready early for school, and then do my own things before school. I then walk to the bathroom as I get my toothbrush out, I put toothpaste on it as I start to brush my teeth. Brush brush, the noise my teeth make when I brush them. Afterwards I spit the toothpaste out as I brush my hair, then I put a cross in my hair as an accessory. I then head to my closet as I pick out my school uniform, I change into it as I yawn, I didn't really get enough sleep to be honest. 

And then for 20 minutes, I was reading some manga on my shelf that I bought, my father pays for my apartment. So there isn't really any need for me to get a job at my age, I'm 12 anyways turning 13 in August, the end of Summer. I then stand in front of my mirror as I spin around it, looking good Maru. I laugh to myself as time goes by, eventually it's time to get to head out the door and head to school. I then grab my back and head out to the door and open it, heading to school once again. 

Mami was nowhere in sight, but Third Years must need to get to school early it seems. Eventually I arrive at school and sit in my seat, still I didn't have any friends. Mami is my friend, but have I given her bad luck yet? Maybe it doesn't work for Magical Girls, but who knows to be honest, I really want Mami to be okay. The periods go by for the day as the bell for lunch rings, I grab my lunch box and head up to the roof. 

I sat down with my back to the fence, I took a deep breath as I opened my lunchbox. It had lots of Japanese Food and snacks, I take a rice ball out and start to eat it. It was a windy day, my hair blew in the wind as I ate from my lunchbox. I then take out my chopsticks and start to eat the rice that I cooked this morning, better than being hungry I guess. The rice was very delicious, well for me it is, I'm not even a good cook. When I finish I clean up the area around me, when everything is cleaned I look out the fence as the wind blew through my purple hair. 

The rest of the day went by, the work was annoying that was for sure, even the teacher would sometimes sneeze once or twice there. I pick up my bag from beside me as I instantly leave the classroom, I could have been running you can say. The thought of being a magical girl is still on my mind, do I wanna give up my life to fight these witches? Mami has got to fight all of these witches in this city by herself, she has at least gotta need a comrade or something. 

The sport clubs I was never in to, I'm not athletic at all. Then I hear running footsteps behind me as I turn around to go the way back to my apartment. It was Mami, I turned around to see her. 

"Hey Maru." Mami smiled at me. 

"Hello Mami." I said back. 

"Wanna walk home together?" Mami asks me. 

"Sure, why not." I say as we start to walk together. 

"So are you going to become a magical girl?" Mami asks me as we turn the corner. 

"It depends, I've got the wish I just gotta think I'm gonna become one or not." I sigh. 

"Nobody is forcing you, so take all the time you need." Mami smiles at me. 

I nod as we continue to walk down the load leading to the apartment, we arrive there as I stand at Mami's door with her. 

"Would you like to come in?" Mami asks as I stand at her door with her. 

"O-Oh sure why not." I say walking in with Mami, there's no turning back, I know what I want to wish for and nothing is stopping me. 

We walk in to see Kyubey sleeping on the sofa, I softly smile at him as I sit next to him. 

"Would you like anything Maru?" Mami asks, I shake my head to say no and that I'm fine. 

Kyubey then opens his eyes and looks at me, I also look at Kyubey wondering what he does when he wakes up. Kyubey look at me with his blank face showing no emotions. 

"You have figured out your wish haven't you?" Kyubey asks. 

"Y-Yeah." I nod, Mami was looking over at us as she was making herself a cup of tea. 

"Well then, what's your wish?" Kyubey asks once again. 

"I wish-" I say as I am interrupted by a labyrinth opening right in the very room, I look surprised as my eyes are wide open. 

"Of all places my apartment?" Mami says surprised, she then looks serious as she transforms into her Magical Girl form. 

The labyrinth looked like it could go on forever, then the witch comes and reveals itself as Mami starts to shoot at it with many of her muskets. The labyrinth had music notes in it, it also looked slightly like a massive classroom, and we were the ants in it. I then hear a laugh as Mami is then hit to the ground. 

"Mami!" I yell. 

"I-I'm fine.." Mami says as she gets hit in the side and pushed along the ground. 

"You're not fine!" I yell once again. 

"You can change it all Maru Okano." Kyubey says as he looks up at me. 

"I got it." I say as I take one deep breath looking at Kyubey as he floats in front of me. 

"Tell me your wish." Kyubey says. 

"I wish instead of giving others bad luck, pain and grief, I want to give them good luck!" I say as Kyubey then uses his long ears and puts them into my chest. 

Then I feel something exiting my body, it hurt a little bit, like something was stinging. The glow that exited my body as it floated in front of me Kyubey looked up at the glow. 

"Take this, take your Magical Girl powers." Kyubey says as I reach up for the glow and grab it, it turned into a soul gem. The soul gem was a Green Color as I turned into my Magical Girl form, I will help Mami with all I got, as I am now a Magical Girl! 

My outfit was an Green, a Light Green at that. I wore a silk white scarf around my neck, also I was wearing a white top with green on it. I wore a skirt that is green striped with white strips, I wore large boots on me, my weapon was a staff, it was brown with a dark blue orb inside it. I then looked at the witch. 

"Let's get the party started." I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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