The New Kids in School

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(Ok so here is the first chapter of our Rp. And I gonna go ahead and warn you that their is sensitive topics included here. Bullying to be exact. And I'm soo sorry for all the grammar mistakes. Like I said this was an to rp we wrote on the top of out heads. Ill go back and proof read and edit it later. And I'll update the story daily. Anyways, Enjoy reading what we have so far! I hope you guys like it, feel free to give feedback ;3)

Misa wakes up with the sun glaring directly in her face, she squints her eyes and puts her hand over them to shield from the harmful rays. A sudden realization pings in her head, "oh no! Were going to be late for school again!" She hurriedly stumbles out of her bed and grabs her and Yuri's high school uniforms, and puts her own on. Bursting into Yuris room across the hall she shouts while violently shaking her sleeping friend " WAKE UP YURI! WAKE UP! WE'RE LATE AGAIN! Get up and get dressed!"

Yuri shoots awake and screams, her eyes wide as she realizes she was right."SHOOT!!!!!" She fell out of her bed and immdentily went to take a fast shower and then into her school uniforms.

Misa quickly puts two pieces of bread in the toaster while Yuri gets dressed. *plop* the toast pops up and she grabs it and spreads butter and jelly over the toast. "Alright! You done? Schools right down the road! If we run we will make it! Here eat this" Miss gives Yuri the toast and grabs her arm and darts out the door heading for the school. As they do so they pass the towns old shrine. Just the sight of it causes her to shudder out of fear "uuuh, some people say its haunted you know? They say that sometimes you can see the spirits of two brothers wandering around in there. Creepy right?" Miss asks in a wondering tone, even though she could probably already guess Yuri's answer.

Yuri had her toast in her mouth mumbling on her words."creepy? Dude that's awesome!!!!" She said once she pulled her toast out of her mouth, running down the hill and jumps."I believe I can fly!!!!" Suddenly she trips, falling near some bushes, she sees a gorgeous white snake who stared at her.

"Umm Yuri? Are you ok? That looked like quite the fall" Misa's eyes follows Yuris and sees the snake. "Omg! I've never seen an albino snake before. He's really pretty!" Misa helps Yuri up as she dusts herself off "Its really rare, heh, nature is so cool." She checks her phone "omg! Class starts in 5 minutes! We need to go! Come on."

Yuri smiled but frowns. "Fuck class....i wanna keep the snake..." yuri pouts as she had raced off to school grabbing her friends wrist.

Misa giggles "Its better off that he stays in the wild. They say white snakes are messengers to the gods. You don't wanna upset them you know" she says following behind yuri. "Besides he'll do better off in his natural habitat."

Yuri pouts, "we're going to visit that shrine,I don't if I have to go by myself I'm goi-" yuri was cut off as the school bell went off, her eyes widen as she whines, she hated her first block, her top unlikable bullies were in there and loved to pick on her, she hated it not only because her roommate wasn't in there but bc the teacher didn't do crap.

"Ill see you next block Yuri, I hope your 1st block is standable," Misa waves Yuri bye as they part their ways and go to class. /ugh I so don't wanna go to class. Especially dealing with Vanessa and her group of terror Nikki and Hazely. And unfortunately the rest of her group is in Yuris class. Good thing we have the rest of the day together/ When Misa was younger and in grade school Yuri transferred to our school. Right away Vanessa hated her, for being smarter then she was. She hated Misa as well because she was the only one with naturally blonde hair. An eye candy to the other children. But she couldn't help her parents were both American. She really hated her the day she took up for Yuri, the new one, and that was the day they became the best of friends. Misa takes a seat in the back next to the window. She enjoyed staring out of it and daydreaming about being somewhere else. Suddenly a paper airplane flys at her and his hee in the head. Startled she jumps. Behind her she hears the snickering of other girls....Vanessa.. Opening the airplane she crumbles it up and lays it aside "real mature Vanessa" she mumbles quietly under her breath. The note read 'go home loser, no one wants you here freak' Misa rolls her eyes and ignores her.

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