[Namjoon + Reader] Insomnia Cure

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For a few nights now, it's been difficult to sleep.

No matter what precautions I take, my mind only decides to rest in the early dawn hours- or not at all. During the day I find myself blanking out or saying things that don't make sense, and I can feel my movements have become sluggish and less coordinated. It's frustrating, to say the least.

On the fourth day, Namjoon noticed. At first it was a small lighthearted scoff at my nonsensical mumbling, a slight shake of the head and an affirmation as he stooped to help clean up a clumsily broken mug. Now, it was more than just an accident or a moment of delusion- it had gone on for too long to be normal.

He confronted me, respectfully as ever, after watching me struggle to unlock the front door.

"You seem a little off, lately. Do you feel sick? Did something happen?" He took the key from my hand gently, and I stepped aside for him to take over. The door was opened in one calculated motion, and we stepped inside to remove our shoes and coats.

I hummed lowly, shaking my head at his questions.

"I haven't been sleeping well."

He followed me into the living room, where I immediately sat and relaxed into the couch with an exhausted sigh. He stood some distance away, looking down at me endearingly with his palm resting on his hip.

"Do you know why you can't sleep? Or is it... a mystery to you?" He sounded a little like a therapist.

I let my head fall back to rest on the couch. Namjoon moves to the kitchen, still within earshot.

"I don't know, I'm probably just thinking too much at night. I guess I've been kinda stressed," I exhale, as Namjoon reappears with a glass of water. I pick up my head, watching him approach.

He nods and sits too, handing the glass to me. I mumble my thanks and take a sip before lowering the glass to hold it in my lap. My eyes watch the surface of the water as if hypnotized, blinking lazily as once again my awareness fades. Namjoon hums a bit, drawing my attention back to him. He looks a little concerned, ready to help in whichever way he can.

"Are you hungry? I could order something to eat, if you want." He lets out an awkward chuckle, knitting his brows together apologetically. "We don't really have much in the kitchen, and you know just how skilled I am at cooking..."

This draws an appreciative laugh from me, and I reach up to scratch the back of his head gently.

"Thanks, Joonie. I'm not very hungry, but if you are, I'll eat with you." I manage a smile, to match the sweet one on his face. He nods once.


After eating something and taking a shower, I put on some comfortable clothes and collapsed into bed. Namjoon was already there, reading a book by the light of his bedside lamp.

He looked up and smiled warmly when I joined him, extending a hand to ruffle my damp hair.

"Hello, clean little duckling. Feeling better?"

I smile at the funny nickname, pulling the covers up to my chin and getting comfortable.

"A little," I say, blinking up at him with exhaustion pulling at my eyes. Will I be able to sleep, tonight?

I turn my attention to the book in his hands. The cover is simple, a solid olive green with chocolate accents. It looks like a classic.

"Gonna read for a while?"

Namjoon's eyes shift between the book and I for a moment.

"Yeah. Will it bother you if I keep the light on for a little bit? Just until I finish this chapter."

I shake my head. He gives my shoulder an appreciative squeeze before returning to the world contained within his book.

For a while, I watch lazily as he reads. Listening to the pages turning and admiring the way his delicate, long fingers skim the parchment lulls me, but it's not enough to distract me from my worries.

"Joonie," I mumble, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" He looks up from his book.
"You're not sleeping yet?"

"I can't," I say grumpily, pouting like a child.

Namjoon places his bookmark into his book, closing it quietly and setting it on the nightstand. He turns the light off and settles into bed, letting out a small sigh.

"Come here," he beckons from beside me. I can hardly see him as my eyes adjust to the new darkness.

"You're trying to help me..?"

"Of course," he says without hesitation.
"Now come here already." He chuckles softly. I sigh shortly and scoot closer until a strong yet soft hand guides me to lay on top of him, my head resting on his chest. He makes sure the blankets cover me before wrapping me in his arms.


I nod, humming when one of his hands begin to comb through my hair. A moment passes, and in my foggy state I notice that I've been listening to my new favorite sound in the whole world.

"I can hear your heartbeat," I say warmly, voice weak as sleep finally paws at me. Namjoon chuckles breathily, and his pulse quickens by a fraction before it steadies once more.

"You know.. next time, when you have trouble sleeping, you should tell me right away..."

"Yessir," I mumble, before slowly drifting off.

Thank you, Namjoon.

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