it characters as shit i have actually said out loud

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Mike: Wow A+ parenting I think I'm ready for my tater tot


The losers club: you're a monster, how do you sleep at night Pennywise: I don't, I do a lot of cocaine


Eddie: Sweet baby Christ in a loincloth


Stan: I still haven't let go of you assaulting me with your glasses. My eyebrow is pressing charges


Bill: were you screaming in pain? Ben: no, cause i thought that'd be rude


Mike: The only high I take is weight room baby


Bev: you look like you vape Eddie: I will crush your ribcage by pressing rocks on your unconscious body


Eddie: *sitting in Richie's chair* Richie: hey get your hand off my seat! Eddie: my whole body is in your seat!  Richie: *looks down at Eddie's hand resting in his lap* no, just your hand  Eddie: WHAT


Bill, trying to flirt: wanna see my dad?


Stan: I am not above stealing a baby


Eddie: I mean my mom abuses me but she got me backyardigans crocs so i cant complain


Eddie: why do you still have that shirt? Richie: why do i still have you?


Mike, bursting into the room: AXE IS NOT AN AIR FRESHENER


Ben: all the cool kids read manuscripts

R U REDDIE 4 IT CHAPTER 2Where stories live. Discover now