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"It's cool, no biggie." Karma replied nonchalantly, his hands shoved in his grey trouser pockets. Koro Sensei eyed him suspiciously. "So you're fine, you don't care that your being suspended for the day for slapping another student?" The yellow octopus double checked.

No. If I go back he'll do it again! Hear my cries. Listen. Help me. Save me! Karma internally pleaded.

"Nah it's fine." Karma shrugged. "Okay, well, see you tomorrow Akabane. I hope that over this time you can think about your actions." The teacher told the hothead student. Karma nodded, stung his satchel over his shoulder and started the long walk down the mountain.


It's like a massive game of the floor is lava. Karma thought grimly. He had removed his shoes so that his movements were quiet. Karma knew that if he stood near furniture when he was walking the floor wouldn't freak because the floor under furniture was generally sturdy and therefore silent.

He crept from the kitchen counter, to the sofa, to the staircase. He tiptoed quietly up the stairs and gently pushed open the door to his room.

He was greeted by silence. Calm, and silence. Karma let out a sigh of relief - his father wasn't home yet, and hopefully wouldn't be for a while!

Karma practically ran down the stairs he was so happy, it was like heaven. He ate some food, he messed with his Father's pool table for revenge. Anything he could do, he did.

But an hour later all of this fun stuff stopped. Stopped, when Hiromoto arrived.

He stood in the kitchen doorframe, the shadows from the hall illuminating his silhouette like a demon. He dropped his briefcase onto the floor and glared at his son.

"I got a call from school today." Hiromoto growled. This wasn't a statement, they never were. They were always threats ~ dares. Daring Karma to retaliate.

That spark of joy that had illuminated Karma's eyes and brightened his smile was snuffed out. He lowered his chin, and his gaze.

"You were suspended." Hiromoto stated. "Yes." Karma replied bluntly, not making eye contact.

(A/N: abuse starts here)

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, boy!" His father yelled, grabbing Karma by his shirt. Karma winced, but did not rise to the fight.

His father saw the submission in his eyes and threw him into the floor. Karma's head hit the ground with a sickening crack, and he felt sticky blood oozing from it.

"You are a disgrace to the Akabane name. Such violent ways will not be tolerated!" Hiromoto snarled at the boy on the floor.

Karma stood up shakily but his father pushed him back down.

"Slightly ironic if you ask me." Karma muttered. Hiromoto smiled at this. Not a friendly smile, but a cocky, psychotic one. Like Karma's own when he first met and attacked Koro Sensei, when he jumped off of the cliff as an assassination attempt.

"Remember, Karma," Hiromoto said Karma's name in a tone dripping with sarcasm. "You can be tough at school. But we all know, that's just a facade. Really, you're a weak, puny beetle under my foot. And I will crush you." His father glared down at him, spitting as he spoke.

Karma gritted his teeth as his 'loving parent' kicked him. Lying vulnerable on the floor there was little he could do. But his vision was so clouded by what would happen if he did act, that he didn't see how much stronger he was than his father. As a person, and an assassin. He could easily overpower him, but then he'd possibly have to leave 3-E, and that wasn't going to happen.

Hiromoto finished his fun by throwing a half-empty alcohol bottle at his son. Karma dropped to the floor, semi-conscious, and his father staggered off to the sofa to watch the TV. Very caring, eh?

"HELP!!" Came a muffled voice from... underneath the floor boards?

Karma shot up - I mean, so to say. As fast as he could whilst fighting for consciousness.

"Kayano?!" He muttered in disbelief.

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