CHAPTER III: Dylan's Journal

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June 5, 2014

Dear Journal,

                I spent the most amazing time today with Anna. It is our 7th anniversary as best friends. I found this amazing spot called the Chambre de Fleurs. I took her there and she couldn’t believe her eyes. I also gave her a necklace. I saved up my allowance just to buy this for her. It was great; we had a great time.

                Although, there was this awkward moment between the two of us when I put the necklace on her. We looked each other in the eyes for a long time. I stared at the eyes of hers and suddenly, I was lost. It’s like I travelled in a different world – a world with only me and Anna. Anyway, that is all over now.

We talked and talked, and hours went by. We didn’t even notice that it was going to rain until it poured. I was rattled and I pulled an umbrella from my bag. I opened it and we got under the umbrella. We were soaking wet and we decided to go home and call it a day.

Well, it has been a long day for us. I’m tired and I want to go to sleep now. I’ll tell you the rest of the story tomorrow, Journal.



June 6, 2014

Dear Journal,

                I had a dream about Anna. We were in a plain full of grass and flowers. I saw her from a distance and ran to her. I hugged her and lifted her up and we swirled around a few times. Then, I set her down and our faces are getting closer to each other. I thought that this is it. It’s finally going to happen. We are going to kiss. Oh, how I’ve been waiting for that special kiss from her!

                She said my name, “Dylan.”

                She told me, “Dylan wake up!”

                Then, her voice became masculine, “Dylan wake up!”

                It became clearer, “Dylan wake up,” and I woke up, “What the hell are you doing?”

                It was my roommate Tom. I was so mad at him for waking me up. But I realized that my pillow is so wet. I thought I peed myself. Then, I sniffed the pillow and noticed that it was slobbered with my own drool. I was even drooling when Tom woke me up.

                I asked what happened and he said that apparently, I was torridly licking and French kissing my pillow for a while. He was worried and he woke me up. I thanked him and discreetly went to the bathroom to freshen myself.

                Anyways, where were we? Ok, so we decided to go home since we were drenching. We walked side by side as I hold the umbrella above our heads. I noticed the funny way she shakes when she’s cold so I got my jacket inside my bag and put it around her. I’m so glad that it didn’t get wet.

                Then, she asked me about my love life, “Well, what’s going on with you? I mean in your love life. Is there someone I should know about?”

                I replied, “I don’t know.”

                “Oh come on! You’re so unfair. Why won’t you tell me?” she asked, “It’s someone I know isn’t it?”

                “Maybe,” I said.

                She looked at me with those eyes of hers, and I’m pretty sure that when I look back, my heart would melt and I’d probably end up caving in. So, I just looked straight forward and hoped that I have the strength to keep it that way.

                “Wait,” she continued, “you are not gay, aren’t you?”

                “No, of course not!” I immediately answered.

                “Sorry, just asking. But seriously why won’t you just tell me?” she asked.

                “Because I’m scared alright. I’m scared that if I say to her that I like her, I might lose something else.” I said.

                “Come on, don’t be such a pussy! What have you got to lose? Your virginity?” she responded, “Wait you’re still a virgin right?”

                We both laughed hard and I asked. “Well, what about you? You still seeing that guy that I saw you with the other day?”

                “Mark? Yeah, I would probably never hang out with him again. He’s a total douchebag.” Anna replied, “Hey, don’t change the subject. Come on, why don’t you just tell her? It’s easy to tell her what you really feel.”

                Then, I blurted out, “I love you.”

                She looked at me, smiled, and said, “Exactly. Why can’t you just tell that to her? Wait, is it Lisa?”

                I said no and she asked again, “Is it, Emily? Is it that tall blonde girl from the mall?”

                She kept guessing and guessing and I kept smiling and shaking my head no until we reached her house. She finally stopped and thanked me for everything. She seemed very happy. She pecked me on the cheek and then waved goodbye.

You know, Journal, I just love it when I see her smile. I know that I am happy as long as she’s happy. I walked a few blocks away and entered an old building. I went to my apartment and just slept content and happy as I play on the loop my memory of Anna planting a kiss on my cheek.


Chambre de FleursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora