CHAPTER IV: Bleeding Heart

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                The morning seemed so bright. The weather was nice outside and Dylan decided to take a walk. He was bored as hell and couldn't think of anything to do. Plus, he's got a terrible headache. He was still hung over from last night.

        It's a good thing that the road near his apartment building was seaside location. He could watch ships and boats sail while sitting under a shady tree. It was a breath taking scenery. He admired the beauty of it – how the sunbeam peeks through the clouds, how the blue waves heave to their crests, and how the water glistens to the sun.

                Then, his phone rang. It was Anna. He did not want to talk to her right now so he pressed end call. Anna called him again but he did not answer. He then received a text message. It's from Jenny.

It read: "Hey, can we talk? I feel bad. I feel like that there is some unfinished business between us."

                Dylan replied and wrote, "Yeah, sure. Okay, meet me here at the port."


               Jenny was a friend of Dylan since high school. She was tall, and had a beautiful body with long legs. She had this perfect nose that go perfectly with her warm eyes and cute smile. Most called her angel sent from above. She was the typical girl next door. Everyone is falling in love with her, except Dylan because his heart belonged to another.

                She knew Anna personally but they were not that close as friends. So it's just always Dylan and her when they hang out. They still have a good time even though they see each other very often. They would call each other "Dude" for some reason, even though Jenny is a straight girl.

                She also knew about Dylan and his undying love for Anna. He would always come to Jenny when he want to tell about the amazing day that he spent with Anna. Dylan would talk to her about the fight that he and Anna had. He would tell all the things to Jenny that he could not tell Anna or about Anna.

Jenny is also Dylan's drinking buddy. When they hang out, it always ends with them drinking until they puke. But Dylan hasn't spoken to her since last night where they spent drinking in his apartment. Both of them were drunk and talking about Dylan's love life.

"Dude, come on. Give me your phone. Do not do this drunk or you'll end up messing up," Jenny said to Dylan when he decided to call Anna and tell her how he really feels about her, "Come on. Give me your phone."

Dylan called Anna and held his phone to his ear. It rang thrice before the other the end picked up.

"Hello," Anna said.

"Hi Anna, it's me Dylan," he replied.

"Dylan? It's 3 in the morning. Why did you call?" she asked.

"Nothing. I just wanna say you're pretty," Dylan responded while Jenny tried to grab the phone from him, "You have pretty eyes."

                Before Anna could answer, Jenny snatched the phone from Dylan. Anna was confused. She wondered if Dylan was in trouble. So she called him. The phone rang and Jenny's hand and she pressed end-call button.

                "What the hell, Dylan?" Jenny said, "You're drunk and you should not make abrupt decisions right now."

                The phone rang again and this time, Jenny answered it, "Hello, Anna. Yeah don't worry about him. He's fine."

                "Okay, just checking. Is he drunk?" Anna asked.

                "Yeah. But don't worry I got this," Jenny replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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