Chapter 6

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"Ah!" Aziza winced. Her face dripping with water, "looks like the hot water is gone again."

"Is everything alright?" Tahir, her father asked. Aziza shivered, "yes, the water is just running low on heat."

"I'm sorry, I don't have enough money to pay for hot water," Tahir said. He looked down, disappointed with himself. He tried he's best to give Aziza, Aadil and Hawa everything but failed terribly.

"Have you read your prayer?" he asked whilst he stirred a cup of tea. "Yes dad, I have prayed but I'm yet to read my Qur'an." Aziza said. She sat on the floor, her back against the wall.

"I have something to tell you, dad."

"As do I, Aziza. Go ahead."

"Mum called a few days back. I was to shocked, I think I fainted. She was in a rush. I can only remember part of what she said but I only remembered she called, last night." Aziza said briefly, taking another sip of her tea.

The expression on Mr. Al-Zeid's face was unreadable. He's daughter still questioning whether to tell him about the letters. Making her decision to tell him, Aziza chose to drop the bit about Nick helping her.

"Do you remember the letters she sent us, over the years?" Aziza asked, her father replied with a simple nod.

"She stuck the letters together, hoping we would realize and pull them apart."

Aziza got up and moved towards the dresser, taking out several letters that were written back to back. Giving it to her father, she sat back down and watched him as he's eyes moved across the pages.

Aziza watched him as he's once poker face turned into one of sorrow. Tahir's eyes began to swell as he read about he's beautiful wife's hardships.

"Aziza, I have something to tell you to."

He's daughter gave a small nod, not sure what was about to emmit from the lips of a teary eyed father.

"We are going to see Faridah, umi, tomorrow."


"So why are you going to Washington tomorrow and not taking me?" Nick grumbled whilst he picked a stone on the pavement.  

"Because if my dad found out I talk to you, I'll be dead meat. I doubt he'll allow a tag along 'guy' friend of mine come near me let alone to Washington." Aziza said gesturing air quotes when she said guy.  

Nick and Aziza walked down Pebble Street and into the town market, "want an apple?" Nick asked as he picked up a red, juicy fruit.  

"Wouldn't mind if you paid, I'm sorta broke," Aziza said as she motioned to her empty pockets.

  Nick paid for the two fruits, and continued walking.   "So tell me again why you have to go to Washington for a week and leave me in this rat hole?"  

"My mum, is having a trial or something and they need the rest of the family to be there, some major thing about the president being there as well due to demand and some other law crud" mumbled Aziza as she bit into the apple.

"Mmm! I haven't eaten such a delicious apple in ages!" she exclaimed.  

Nick put on an Italian accent "It is deliciouso!" he said as he kissed he's fingers pretending to be a chef.

In all the hype about the yummy fruit, Nick realized Aziza hadn't said anything about his Italian accent.  

Nick turned around, to he's horror Aziza wasn't next to him, her apple on the ground and the necklace she usually wore torn from her neck and in several pieces. He grabbed the necklace off the ground.

  "Aziza! Aziza, this isn't funny!" Nick called out has rushed through the busy market.

"Aziza! Serio-" he's words cut off as he caught a glimpse of Aziza struggling to be freed from two husky men. Both with visibly clear guns.

"Aziza no!" Nick yelled, loud enough for the men to hear him.  

There was a gun shot.

Than from where Nick was, complete darkness.

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