Chapter 5

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Once again. On the happy note.

It's Ivy. [Come on, Kat! It can't be obvious!]

"I-I need to rest."Kat said.

"No!" I waved my arms. "What did you see?"


"Don't call me that! You are going to tell me what happened. Right now, kiddo."

"If you stop calling me kiddo."


 Kat took a deep breath. She sank into a serpent-green comfy chair.

"It was......I don't know, disturbing." She said finally. Kat described about that girl taking one last laboured breath, before closing her eyes, with a gentle, sleepy smile frozen on her face forever. Or how the other boy just started yelling and doing CPR (How can you do CPR to someone who's already dead? Stu-pid.) and how the other boy, holding the sword, started to cry. Then, the girl stepped in and started yelling.

"Nico Di Angelo, you say? " Yes, count on me to be the heartless lawyer.

Kat sniffled. "He's a son of Hades."



"Absoulutely Positive."

"Cross my heart."


"Nico Di Angelo."

"We just established this fact, Ivy!"

I rolled my eyes. "Search the room. Find some clue about Nico- wait."

I dug in my backpack. "Here."


I pulled out the picture of the depressed dude. With shaggy black hair. Pale skin. At the bottom of the picture, there was the name "Nico Di Angelo." scribbled in red ink. Or was that blood?

I coughed. The smiled. "I'm going to learn to drive."

"Whaaat? We just learned about one more living demigod and you want to learn how to drive something that nearly killed the planet with its pollution."

"Yep." I answered. "I threw the picture back into the backpack. "Hollywood? Ok, I guess here we come."

I jumped out on to the metal staircase.

I found a nice silver car. I learned how to drive, with Kat cowarding in the backseat. (We're over! DOOMED! DEAD! Good-bye, sweet world!) [I know you're usually the brave one, but you were doing that. Kat.]

Sooner or later, about 3 hours, we came to a sign with big letters saying 'Hollywood.' ok, here we were. The car stopped infront of a recording studio, old with dusty windows.

"In here." Kat jumped out and ran inside.

"What?!Kat!" I followed.

Kat insictively walked towards an elevator. My heart kept on skipping beats, I could hear my pulse inside my ears, 'Thump-thump.'

The  silver elevator door  with a musty logo on it opened weakly, creaking and rasping. I stepped cautiosly inside, only  because Kat had gone down the first one.

One button flickered weakly. I pressed it. I was scared.

The elevator zipped down with such alarming speed, I though I was going puke. Which....wouldn't be very heroic at all, even in the least.

The elevator came to an adrupt halt, and and I did a face plant.  Can you blame me?

[I didn't ask you, Kat.]

The evlevator door opened a little less weaker, but same rasp and creak.

My heart nearly leaped out of my throat, I was so nervous. I put my hand to my pocket. I don't know why, but I brought the pen-sword along. It just felt like one of the pictures, deserving to be remembered. Plus, it was the only weapon saved, so it  had to be important.

It was dark, like a cave, and there was red light for a sky, like one ginormous rabbit burrow.

"Kat-" I felt a hand covering my mouth.

A voice , a boy's one, "Shut up, or else we'll both get hurt."

Ok, first thing this jerk needed to know was I demanded  respect.  "Shut up' didn't exactly show respect. I tried to turn, but my body was immobolized.

I let my hair flame. That lit the cave up.

 A boy, about 18,  was staning behind me, cradling his seared hand.

I put out the flames by putting my hair in a ponytail. The cave went dark.

The guy mustered his courage. "You must be the one my dad's always talking about. Kat Flare?"

"That's my sister. I'm Ivy."


That's when I got really annoyed. My mom had always said, 'hit the bullet where it hurts.'

I know it sounds wrong.

But I pulled out the pen and uncapped it. It was heavy, but I needed to scare this jerk. Ghost or not, he was, jerk.

The sword gave off a dim glow. I regconized this guy's face from one of the pictures.

He looked totally scared. 'Where did you get that?"

"Um, from the apartment, duh."

He grabbed the sword from my hand, and observed it. He started whispering something like, "Percy. Percy. I'm so sorry."

I pulled out my bow and quiver.

 "Ok, listen here, you're going to tell me something or else I'll kill you." I said.

"Ok. I'm Nico Di Angelo."

I gasped. "Ok, then you might want to see these. " I slung my backpack off  my shoulder and handed him the letter.

His lips moved silently as he read. Finally Nico nodded.

"I suppose I should've looked for them."


"The feilds of Punishment. Check there. That's where the seven are-"

"But,they were heroes!"

"Gaea ruled it out that they deserved it. My father is one of the few gods living. He'll always be living. Gaea has a soft spot for him."

I narrowed my eyes. "Ok, show me the feilds of punishment."

Nico nodded gravely. "Got that. I'll help you- there are certain defenses that only I can break."

I shrugged.

"How old are you?" I asked, brows furrowed.

"About 80." He answered.

"What?" I felt my eyes widen.

"Lotus casino. "


He nodded and walked down  the burrowing halls.

Finally we reached the end.

He opened the doors and I nearly cried out.

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