Chapter 16

720 7 1

by Fire_Child

kat's pov

It was quiet for a few seconds. Then Jason said, "Well, at least we have the best of the Flare twins." He winked at me and two seconds later I punched him first in the face then kicked him below the belt.

Then I grabbed his shirt and pulled him so close to me we were touching noses. "You listen here bud. No one is as good as my sister. Ivy is ten times better at me at everything. Archery, sword-fighting, healing,cooking, running. The best is missing. Do you UNDERSTAND?!" I yelled the last part.

Jason smiled at me. "You're cute when you're angry."

I threw him to the floor. "Then I'm about to get #%!&*$@  beautiful."

Everyone gasped at my use of language but hey, when your sister is missing and your crush doesn't seem to care you would to.

Jason laughs again. "Too late," He says, getting up.

I growl, a deep growl that's centered in my throat.

Everyone backed up a step.

Suddenly Leo says, "I think a tiger got in the room."

Percy rolls his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, we would know if that happened. That growl was just Kat."

"Oh, oh yea." Leo says looking at the ground.

Suddenly the apartment started shaking.

"Gaea!" I screamed.

So little Kat Flare, you managed to bring the seven back to life. No matter. I have already won.

I wanted to punch Gaea so bad. "Hey Gaea! How about you show yourself instead of hiding in the Earth like a coward! Come one I'll take you right now!" I started screaming at the ground.

Then an invisible force slammed into my side knocking me out the window.

Now, normally that would be fine, since Ivy and I have jumped out windows but straight below me was a cavern. I was going to fall right into it.

"AHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I fell 100 MPH towards the ground. Ok, maybe it wasn't 100 MPH, but it was  pretty darn close.

I closed my eyes and started saying goodbye to everyone I knew when I figured out I wasn't falling anymore.

My eyes flew open to find my eyesight was a lot sharper.

My body felt lighter.

I was hovering in the air.

I was a kite.

[No, Ivy. Not the paper kind. The bird kind.]

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