Chapter 21

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By Ivniss

Ivy's POV

"Argh! Stupid pegasus!" I cursed.

I grabbed an arrow from my quiver. I drew a bead on the nearest monster.

The arrow went flying.

Turns out the monster was a stupid basilisk.

Turns out I really HATE basilisks.

Just before the basilisk died, it hissed and the bow in my hand disingrated.

"Dang it!" I screamed.

I looked behind me. Piper was trying her best, but the dagger was too short. All the monsters were dodging, Jason's sword was too heavy for him. Percy kept on swinging his sword, but the monsters were dissolving in and out.Annabeth had the same problem, but Leo's fire powers kept the monsters at bay- but just barely.

My pack felt heavier. I reached in my quiver- and pulled out a emerald green whip. The colour of ivy.

I had no idea how to use it. So I just winged it.

I slashed at a row of hellhounds, who were gruesomely split in half on time of the awful crack of the whip. All that was left was smoke.

I slashed, but my hand grew red and leathery. I reached into my quiver again, on pure instinct. A glove, black and leather was there. I slipped it on and continued on my......ahem, work.

[How do you know? Kat, you were a horsey coward. ]

I roundhoused with my whip. It felt more natural then  my bow, believe it or not.

I tirled like a gymnast, cracking my whip at anything evil. I felt like I was possesed -as if it wasn't me doing it.

The last hellhound fell. Thankfully, no one noticed I had finished of most of all the monsters. 

Instead, they all turned to Aphrodite, who was polishing her nails.

She looked up, eyes wide. "What did I do?"

Piper stepped forward- apparently she was the only one who could talk to Aphrodite. "WHAT DID YOU DO? We were WORKING OUR FREAKING BUTTS OFF! YOU, you could have snapped your figners to make them all go 'poof!' but yYOU JUST LOUNGED THERE ON YOUR BACKSIDE POLISHING YOUR NAILS! DO YOU CARE WE'RE THE ONLY CHANCE FOR THE EARTH?"

Aphrodite laughed. Then she stared Piper sraight in the eye. In a voice a thousand times more loud, she screamed, "I DO CARE! What do think is HEALING YOU WOUNDS???"

I was shaken.

Aphrodite gave another charming smile. "Well, good luck with your quest."

Leo rolled his eyes. "How do we get there, Major Beauty Queen?"

Aphrodite looked happy about being called that. She thrust her hands, palms outward, and my fingers.....I couldn't feel them...

My fingers were turning to smoke.

I screamed, but inside of a scream exiting mouth, a poof of fire and smoke blew out, like I was sometype of dragon.

"Have fun in Britain!"

Britain was worse than New York.

Big Ben was half-collapsed.

Thames was clogged with skeletons.

Howls of beasts echoed through the starless, moonless night.

The houses that were still standing was so crumbling, soot-covered and bloodied.

"I sse you've found me."

I felt something sharp in my back.

A dagger. As I saw it come through my waist, I saw it was Hazel's Lavesque's spatha.

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