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"Furnsworth, Durham," called Colonel Bruce. He was a quite attractive lad, I have to admit. With his dark hair and sparkling blue eyes, he made girls drool. But it's strictly against the rules to have any sort of affection towards anyone above you. So that means you could only go for those who're on the same stage as you.

I've caught a few Majors and First Lieutenant's talking about me. Their reactions were always priceless!

"Come on, Teresa!" Meria's broke me out of my thoughts. She was already standing, towering over me.

We arrived at our posts. Bruce left us and went back to his cabin. The brigadiers were the only rank that did night patrolling.

They had shifts, just like any other worker. Except they had bravery, something I even lack sometimes.

On few occasions there were attacks, like "The Night of 53" as they call it. I was only a Lieutenant at the time; Gunroot's army decided to ambush the camp, trying to dissolve the new troopers, me included. They almost got me, but I was thankfully saved by a Brigadier.

He died saving me.

Ever since, I dedicated my life to the army for him. To protect our country like he did. He was Brigadier Voldo Rodriquez. An amazing soldier he was. He fought in several attacks, fighting for the place he grew up in. He fought 53 attacks, where he succeeded in 48. His 53rd and final attack, was that night.

The Night Of 53 was named after him.


I turned my head as the feeling of being watched overcomes me. The attackers have already taken over the west side of camp.

Training only started three weeks ago and we weren't even been taught how to handle weapons. The attack was to wipe out the new troops. I even started to think they can succeed. They demolished north side and penetrated west. 

I turned around  and saw a ambusher aiming a gun at me. I stood for about 5 seconds, shocked and scared. Is this the end?  I crouched down to the ground as the attacker urged me to drop my weapon. I placed my stick from earlier that I took to protect myself, on the ground. I spotted a large stone not far from me and reached for it. I quickly grabbed it and immediately send it flying to his head. The stone hits him as he curses in pain and pull the trigger. The loud sound rang through my ears, but yet, I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Brigadier Rodriquez laying in front of me on the ground clutching his chest. I looked at the attacker and saw his laying lifeless. 

He saved me.

The brigadier started heaving, struggling to form words.  I felt tears start to form in my eyes. I leaned down, trying to add pressure to stop the bleeding. His large hand covered mine as he looked at me. Tears welling in his eyes, he whispered to me, "It's okay, child. It's my time. Now go, take my gun, try to save the other soldiers. I always believed there's potential in you. You can do it. Save. Our. Country. You c-can do it, I know you can...be the s-soldier other wants to...to b-be. N-never d-doubt yo-yours-self."

"No, I-I can't. I'm not good," I doubted myself.

He started coughing as a few drops of blood came out, "You c-can."

A tear rolled down his cheeks while I balled my eyes out. He gave me a sympathetic smile as he laid his head down onto the ground. He weakly, but gently, squeezed my hand as he stared at the sky. His eyes then squeezed shut as a tear then rolled down. His face then relaxed as his hand then too. His entire body when relaxed and limp.

He's gone.

The one person that actually believed in me was gone. The hero and leader of this army risked his life for me. He believed in me. He thinks I can do it. He was the father I never had. He was my supporter when I had no one. The hardest three weeks of my life and he was there to give me hope, motivate me.

What about his family? His three lovely children?

I was suddenly snapped out of thought when a loud bang and crash disrupted the air. the light of the explosion illuminated onto his body. I remembered what he had told me as I reached to his gun. I kissed his knuckles, thanking him, and said a silent pray for him to rest in peace and I will do my best, for him, for the rest of my life.

I stood up and snuck around the corner, spotting another enemy in their red cameo suits. I lifted the gun and pulled the trigger, watching as the body fell. Limp and dead.

Pub: 31/07/2018

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