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The memory haunted me for months, but every time I would remind myself that we had won that war. I helped to achieve victory.

But though it can only do so much.

Since that night, I dedicated my life to the military. Training every day, I got better. His words lingered in my head everyday. I grew stronger. I started to rank as the best in my class. The other troopers looked up to me, asked me for advise, asked me to coach them. But unfortunately everything went to a sudden drop when my dad died. He was in his late fifties and died of heart failure. It was a dark time for me. I was depressed and even started to lose the will to eat. I almost went anorexic, but as my family and friend's prayers have been heard, I got a epiphany and immediately changed my attitude. I made up for my inactiveness by training more and eating healthy and enough. Meria, Claire and John stood by me and supported me. Some nights they even cried with me. It was sad seeing even John crying. They helped me through my grieving and depression. They saw me at my worst and best times. Even when I almost flunked a year. When I started to have suicidal thoughts, they were there to change my mind. I started to be more religious. Thanking God for being there and stop me from actually attempting suicide. With God, my friends, my family, Brigadier Rodriquez and my Dad by my side, I felt immortal.

That's how my life went, for 6 years now. I am proud and I do not have any regrets of the past. They all made me stronger and got me to where I am today. I am so strong today and am eternally grateful to everyone who helped me.

But anyways...

That leads me to where I am now. Meria shook me out of my daze as I came to. A brigadier towering over me with a questionably and sorry expression on his face. Then I noticed a tear that had escaped from my eye. Meria took my hand in hers sympathetically, trying to comfort me. Every trooper knew about my phases except for the Brigadiers and higher ranks. They weren't really included with us. Only time we'd come across paths was night shift, so they didn't know my story. I was only a rebellious trooper to them.

Sometimes I wish I was just that, but them I throw the thought away and focus on where I was now.

"Trooper, tonight's a cold night. So I suggest you a move on to your posts." His green eyes stared at me then he moved away and walked up west, probably towards his post.

"Welcome to hell," said a familiar deep voice.

"Get lost," threw Meria at Michaels.

"You are so disrespectful, Lieutenant. I should actually report you, but because you are friends with my Teresa here, I'll let it slide."

I immediately snap. "Who are you to say I'm yours?!"

Pub: 1/08/3018

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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