Chap. 5

190 19 12

Alan's pov

I was home and on my bed waiting for one of my friends to pick up. They both lead to voicemail. I groaned as I made cereal, I was hungry and didn't feel like really making anything. And mom was probably still at work like usual. I ate my cereal as I walked around the living room with my phone in my back pocket. Soon it vibrated and I grabbed it quickly almost dropping my bowl of cereal.

"Hello?" I said and there was no answer, I almost slapped myself when I realized it was a text message.

I walked to the couch and sat down with my bowl between my legs as I read the text that was from Kaden. Which might have been the first text I got from him in a while. We really didn't text much. Then again I didn't really text anybody.


Kaden: Hey sorry I didn't make it to school. I got sick all of a sudden lol, I've been napping all day.

Me: It's cool dude. Did Landon get sick too?

Kaden: No idea and don't care.

Me: Dude, are you mad at Landon?

Kaden: He's just stupid sometimes. I get we're in the Trex group but we don't need to do what they do. I'm talking about you too.

Me: Dude I don't do much but okay okay. Geez.

Kaden: Anyway see you at school tomorrow.

I was about to type my reply when my phone vibrated again. My guess it was probably that one person that found my number but it wasn't. Though it was an unknown number once again. Kind of nerve wrecking but then I read the message. But it didn't relax me just made me more anxious.

(415) XX8-3XXX

(415) XX8-3XXX: Hey! This is Stacie, sorry for not texting you for a while. I've been very busy with preparing for the Halloween party and school.

I quickly text my reply to Kaden and sent it then took a deep breath. I clicked on Stacie's message and changed her contact name to Stace. Already making nicknames for her, I could hear Landon saying that. I also might have added an emoji or two. Now that was done I just needed to reply back to her. But what should I say? I glanced down to realize my cereal was getting soggy and groaned to myself before eating some as I thought to myself about what to say to Stacie. Finally, I just decided to let my brain and fingers work together and decide.


Me: Hey Stacie! And it's cool.

Stace: Great! So any ideas on how you can contribute to the Halloween Party? If not I have some ideas.

Me: Uh no I don't really have any ideas...

Stace: Well your kind of popular aren't you?

I blinked at my phone and reread her message again. Stacie thought I was popular? I mean sure I was in the Trex group but I didn't think I was really popular. But if she thinks so I can't let her down!

Me: Well I didn't think so..but what do you need?

Stace: Well...could you get your friends and some others if you can to join the party? The more the merrier, you know every party we have at the school the money is usually given to charity or to help someone.

Me: I will try my best to.

Stace: Thank you so much Alan!

Me: No problem.

After that, she didn't reply back. I sighed and turned off my phone getting up off the couch carefully as I grabbed my bowl of cereal. I stretched a bit then headed to the kitchen. I finished up my cereal and put the bowl and spoon in the sink before heading upstairs to my room. As I head to my room I heard my phone vibrate constantly. I pulled my phone out to see Landon was calling me. I answered it and heard Landon crying.

"Dude I'm a mess." I heard him hiccup and I frowned.

"Could be your drinking and the drugs you do. I think you should stop..." I said gently.

"You think so?" he asked.

"Uhm." I nodded even though he couldn't see and I heard a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, yeah your probably right." he said lastly and I wasn't sure how to reply. "Well, goodnight Alan." I heard him say before he hung up on me.

Eventually, the sky started to grow dark. The sunset and the moon was getting clearer to see. I felt like something was missing as I laid on my back in bed staring at the ceiling. Thoughts crossed my mind and I realized BOB... well Bob hasn't text me. Last time we text was that one night we sext... Did he regret it? I kind of did, I was taken. Well, my heart was taken. I only had my eyes on Stacie. I needed to apologize to the dude. I clicked on his name go text him.


Me: Hey are you okay?
Me: Also...I wanted to apologize about last night.

I sent the messages and turned off my phone to wait. There was a slight noise I heard coming from outside. I sat up and looked out the window to see it was starting to rain, but it was lightly. Humming to myself as I waited for a reply I eventually turned over on my side. As I closed my eyes I heard and felt my phone vibrating, I grumbled to myself getting my phone.

Bob: I'm fine. And why are you apologizing?

Me: I..kind of like someone and it was wrong of me to possibly lead you on.

Bob: Oh, don't worry about it.

I blinked confused at his reply. Wait so he didn't care? Doesn't it bother him? Well, at least I apologized I guess. It seems we were still cool with each other.

Me: Oh! Aright then.

Bob: So no more sexting?

Me: Uh...? I guess?

Bob: You don't sound that quite sure of yourself, and if you like someone then why don't you try sexting with them?

Me: What???!! No she would never talk to me again!

Bob: Then I don't see why your not trying to move on if she doesn't like you back. But I guess the heart wants what it wants.

Me: Have you ever liked someone?

Bob: Nope.

Me: Never?

Bob: No.

Me: Are you sure?

Bob: Goodnight.

I huffed and replied back to him saying goodnight. I put my phone up and relaxed in bed. The rain slowly put me at ease and I closed my eyes. Before I knew it I was fast asleep. And I was dreaming of Stacie, totally not creepy.

Yay! Update, sorry if it wasn't so good. It's going to take a while for me to be updating things sadly and to finish this book and probably the others. I might be getting a job and I'm going on a summer vacation. But anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Thank you for all the support!

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