Chap. 35

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Bob's pov
I was cold, and wanted warmth. Yet I pushed it away whenever it got too near now. I was falling to deep into the swell feeling, and pulled out in time before getting hurt....


Alan's note is shoved in one of the pockets in my wallet. "Can we talk?" And of course I shouldn't have been surprised, it was obvious I was avoiding him. And after I had teased him and everything, a bitter taste was on my tongue as my stomach burned.

I was a horrible person. I lead him on, just how I had felt. Giving him a taste of his own medicine, except he didn't realize what he was doing but I did. I didn't mean to either I suppose, but my feelings got tangled into this, causing a mess of things.

So I needed to quick this up.

Letting out a deep breath, I knocked on the door. It was February now, and it was still freezing cold outside. Snow and icicles practically making our town a Winter Wonderland. And causing me to get sick, I hated the cold.

I heard the door unlock as I started to cough, and my nose felt like it was going to be dripping snot soon. But when I patted my pockets I felt nothing but hard solid, which was my phone.

"Hey." I say glancing up to Alan in his sleeping clothes. He wore a long navy-blue sleeved shirt with reindeer pajama pants.

"You look like hell."

"Nice to see you too." I grumble as he moves to the side, letting me inside. "Isn't a bit late for Christmas clothes?" I scoff while stomping my feet on the welcome mat.

"Isn't it a bit early to be a kill joy?" he scoffs back shutting the door and locking it.

"The early bird gets the worm." I wag my finger at him, causing him to roll his eyes but cracks a grin.

"So what took so long for you to show up? I gave you that note a while ago and yet you didn't even call or text until yesterday." his grin disappears as he talks while walking over to the couch.

"I...I don't know, I was thinking." I sigh while taking off my coat and slipping off my boots.

"Why did you start avoiding me anyway?" he asks laying back, staring up at me for once.

Even though he was looking up at me I felt like I was shrinking under his gaze. I swallowed hard as my hands started to tremble a little with my lip.

"I urm..." I started laughing as I snatched my hat off my head. "Guilt." I mumble hanging up my coat and hat. "I shouldn't have teased you like that, I apolo-"

Suddenly Alan was towering over me. I hadn't noticed his shadow or movement before. Now I felt his heat all around me from gis closeness. I quickly looked away from his gaze.

"I don't like pity, I know I'm not the best at communication but it seems like you aren't either." he says staring down at me intensely. "Look...I don't know what was going on before but I want you to talk to me." he mumbles and..was his cheeks slightly flushed?

"We can suck at communication together, and improve together." I say smiling a bit.

"Suck? I would have thought you of all people would use a better word than that." he snorts smiling back at me.

"You ruined the moment."

"Did I?"

" can you move back a little bit?"

"Mmm..I dunno. I kinda like it right here." He smirks down at me.

I swallow hard as my throat grows tight and my face gets hot. "I-Is that so?" His face leans in closer and it feels like I'm dying. My heart is slamming against my chest and everything is just too much. "Well I don't, I'm hungry! I push him back and run to the kitchen quickly.

Eventually we were eating and talking about just about everything we didn't cover with each other during the time I was ignoring him. Things didn't exactly feel the same, but it was good in a way? Better? Probably not.

"Did you wash the laundry yet?" A voice says causing us both to jump and glance over to the direction of the voice.

Alan's mother walked in with her eyes almost closing with each step she took. She may have also had bags as she dropped the bags of groceries on the table in front of us. Her eyes glanced down at me.

"I didn't know you would be here." she smiles tiredly while pushing some of her hair out of her face. "I haven't seen you in a while, your mother said you haven't been busy and sometimes not even feeling well." she hums with her eyes lingering on Alan.

Obviously she knew something was going on, and I think she was blaming him. Alan glanced away from her and got up from his seat. He started to take the groceries out the bag and putting them away.

"Yeah, I just needed to work through somethings. It was nothing to deal with anyone else, all me." I say smiling tightly to assure her.

Her eyes finally left her son and looked at me once again. "Well, it's great to see you." she smiles at me again, but less tired than the one before.

"Why don't you take a seat?" I say getting up to also help Alan with the groceries. I felt bad just sitting here while she was obviously exhausted, Alan did tell me she's been working a lot lately.

She slumped down into the seat Alan once sat at. "You don't need to help him, he's got a lot of work he needs to do. He's been procrastinating." She waves her hand as Alan scowls. "Anyway, did he give the gift yet?"

Alan's movements froze, but after a while he kept along with what he was doing before. I glanced at him then back at his mother. "What gift?"

It's been a while since I updated! While it may take me time to update, know I will update. I'm going to be starting online college classes so I probably will get more busy. Anyway, I apologize for the wait but I hope you enjoyed the chapter ❤

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