Chap. 24

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Alan's pov

I avoided Kaden and Landon, well tried to. They kept bothering me about Stacie. I just wanted some space for a little. I wasn't going to check my phone until I got home, better yet until I ate dinner. I didn't think it would be so hard as it was when I sat bored on the bus. As soon as I got home I wanted to pull it out but I put it into my backpack.

"Hey sweetie." I heard my mom say as I slung my bag near the couch, then I headed to the kitchen where I thought she would be.

"Hey mom, how are you?" I ask and she turned in my direction smiling.

"Fine, what about you?" she asks walking over and gave me kisses on my cheeks.

"Ugghh mooooomm." I groan but she just smiles more at me.

"What? Can't a mother kiss her child, I did push you out of my-"

"That's enough mom, I get it. And sure I just ugh. Anyway my day was fine too I guess." I say sighing and walk over to a chair before flopping down in it.

"Doesn't sound like it." she says making a plate of food and places it in front of me on the table.

"I'm okay mom." I say and shove some of the hot mash potatoes into my mouth. I groaned as it melt in my mouth, causing my mom go roll her eyes.

"If you say so..." she says with a sigh and goes over to the stove making herself a plate. "Well, I have some good news."

"No bad news?" I ask before stuffing some steak into my mouth.

"No bad news." she says walking to the table with a genuine smile, then takes a seat with her plate.

"Okay, well what is it?" I ask between chews, and she makes a face.

"Don't eat with your mouth full honey." she says shaking her head. "Anyway, I made a friend." she says with her smile appearing on her face again.

"Ew, you met a guy didn't you?" I ask gagging a little and get up to get a drink.

"No!" she laughs and eats some of her steak. "It was a very kind lady, she had a body your age too. I was thinking of inviting her to our Thanksgiving dinner, her husband will probably not be around for the holiday." she explains missing her steak in her mash potatoes, while I made a face.

"That's disgusting mom, and that's nice. Glad you made a friend, and I guess I don't mind." I say shrugging as I pour some Dr. Pepper into a cup.

"Get me some too, and you don't have a say in this. If you mind or not." she scoffs making me grumble as I get another cup.

"Well are they going to spend the night?" I asked putting the soda away, and walk over to her with our cups.

"Probably not, so don't worry about it. And try to be nice to her son." she says as I pass her the cup.

"What ya mean? I'm always nice." I say sipping some of my soda, as she rolls her eyes before sipping hers as well.

"Whatever you say son, just be nice." she says shaking her head.

"I wiilllll." I groan and flop down in my seat drinking more of my soda.

After I finished my dinner and a long conversation with my mom, that almost felt never ending, I went to my room. I started on my homework, taking more time off my phone. It felt weird that was for sure. Not like I didn't take long breaks from my phone, I did usually at school. And school took up pretty much my whole day. Even when I got home I wasn't really on it, I guess it was just the fact that I was forcing myself not to be on it.

Finally I checked it. I sawa text from Bob. It was probably an apology, or something. Nonetheless, I swiped it away before reading. I was still a bit angry and didn't want to face him. I didn't get any other texts from the other two. I sighed throwing my phone across my bed, carefully. I didn't want to accidentally throw it off my bed and it end up breaking or anything. Though it did losw the dramatic effect. I laid back and stared at my phone for a while then grabbed it after a while. I decided to at least see what he says, and maybe I would reply back, I don't know.

"What are you doing?" I hear a voice ask making me jump out of my bed somehow.

I groan rolling onto my back and glance in the direction of the voice. I see my mom looking down at me from my doorway, her face is scrunched up in a expression like she felt my pain. Guess I forgot to close my door, or she just opened it without knocking.

"Are you okay?" she asks now walking over to me.

"I'm fine mom, and I'm just trying to decide on some stuff." I say getting up slowly to sit up.

"What stuff?" she asks frowning as she sits down on my bed.

"Just a bit upset with someone that's all, it's probably kind of stupid." I admit with a shrug, and get up fully so I can go sit next to her.

"Well why are you upset with this person?" she asks wrapping her arm around me, pulling me close to her.

"They didn't tell me that important person was moving. And it seems they knew long before I did." I mutter trying to avoid her curious gaze, probably beggig to know who this important person possibly was.

"Well maybe they had a reason to know before you, maybe it's not even their fault for not telling you. Who says it is here job to do so?" she asks, making me feel like she just shot me.

"Well...err..I guess." I grumble as she pulls me closer. "Do you think me being upset is stupid?" I ask looking up at her.

"Uh..well maybe it seems a little silly. I think if anything you should be mad at the person who is moving for not telling you. But even so, what if they didn't know until recently? I don't think you got the whole story before properly making a conclusion. But your feelings are your feelings, okay? It's okay to feel how you feel but just try to have all the details first." she lectures but it all makes sense, and also makes me honestly mad because she's right.

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